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Everything posted by Stiks

  1. Lynyrd Skynyrd, some Meguiars NXT...... all you need
  2. IanJ, Yes its was SRJ - as you say everything done to spec and on time. My neighbour is having a garage conversion done just now... weeks late in starting and the "builders" pitch up at 4 oclock and work for 2 or 3 hours !!! Not happy bunnies. Stiks
  3. Tree hugging lentil munchers. I'd like to spike their herbal tee with a cocktail of optimax and millers This country is political correctness on over boost . Stiks
  4. No problem...glad to help
  5. hard to believe really ..... i take it its a scoob (classic??)
  6. Dave, you're welcome to come round and look at mine ( stop sniggering Morris) - used a small family co in Fife. Not the cheapest but its still standing ! I'll PM their details, they only get free advertising if I get some commission... Im learning Brian Keith
  7. Haa haa - nice one Dave.. but it will be exactly to your specifications custom fitted to your house....
  8. Sounds good to me ... Fridays are best . end of the month perchance ??
  9. Sorry please ignore PM - don't know what happened but it isn't fopr you ( DOH )
  10. PMAC I touch goats Keith
  11. I always slow down as I approach your bit John.... and cruise down the hill .....gun it at the end of the 30 though
  12. << Stiks, how you doing mate? Yer car was sounding quiet the other day?? Alloys, tell me about them. I've just out a new set on Pics Here >> The beastie was lookin good John... I was off boost when I saw you... lookin for School lane !!! Aprt from my cosmetic dents and scrapes and the associated cost things are good. Need to grab a beer some time soon eh ? Keith
  13. << Stiks, I used the guy in eskbank mate, highly recommend him, I posted his number on a previous post. >> Thanks mate - I've called him and it will be done next week. Keith
  14. Iv'e seen the WRI a few times.... most recently at Safeways in deans. Good boot space in these cars y'know.
  15. doh - just read the thread below ..... I'll try the guy in Eskbank.
  16. To add to my car park ding last week I have reached the depths of depression... and scuffed my NSF on a kerb Anyone know of a high quality/localish to west lothian/inexpensive/quick repairer. Oh and someone who could sell me a dodgem for my dailly commute would be useful too ! Keith
  17. << I say Ok but anything definately has to have SIDC on it as we are a branch of the SIDC and not a seperate entity. I also agree with Jamie about where we would make our prescence known. IMHO 1/4 mile events are not what this club is about. >> Spot on M8 - judicious use of banners etc, for SIDC sponsored and sanctioned events only.
  18. great idea - the car stickers had a good take up so this should get good support too BTW - Now't wrong with STI pink - on a blue and gold garment Stiks
  19. I like it as is it is ... and I do view and post in the other sections. I think a more insular Scottish Scoobies would encourage a lazy B like me to roam a little less across all of SIDC. Also lets not forget all the hassle some of us had at the other place. Keep it simple. I'm sure the new software will be refreshing for everyone. Keith
  20. hey Thommo - hang on to it ..once yer in the new hoose and the carpets are down you'll be scouring the country for a scoob. BTW I like the sound of dump valves really... just that old bore wash thing would worry me ! Keith
  21. Yes... who asked if I was paranoid, and why do they want to know ??
  22. Welcome.... you'll like it in here. Keith
  23. Thanks oobster - I'll give him a call. I am more annoyed at myself, normally I take the wife's car, cause I know how inconsiderate the average punter can be. I f I do take the scoob I park miles away from any other car but the place was hoaching today ! Ho hum
  24. Alexanders in Falkirk make vehicles that make all that whooshing noise too.. everytime they stop and the doors open.
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