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Everything posted by Stiks

  1. Just wondering ...?
  2. Naw !
  3. Stiks clan can make this 1. Spooks and Rosie 2. Jamie and Ally 3. Wullie and Claire 4. Billy and Jean 5. Paul and Jo 6. Irish Al and tagalong 7. IanJ + Dog ?? 8. Stevo 9. Stiks
  4. Got the Eagle F1's on mine from Mr Dickson. massive improvement on the dealer fitted RE040's. Living in Scotland a good wet weather tyre is a neccessity, not a nice to have Keith
  5. Autosol, or Meguiars do an NXT product that works well on steel and chrome. I have both. the nxt smells nice Keith
  6. belated happy returns - you must use a good moisturiser to look that young at 47. Well done on Sunday btw - sounds like it was a good 'un. Keith
  7. Sorry I missed this ......... in London on biz yesterday - late back Keith
  8. << My wheel brace sits nicely next to my drivers seat if you know what i mean >> baseball bat stylee steering wheel lock is always to hand.... you just never know. Sad to say I am super wary and a bit standoffish to anyone who pays attention to the car. Time the police spent some camera money on catching these turds. Also time the shells's of this world invested their vast profits in decent CCTV. Stiks
  9. Are you implying that J50's shirt has a gay slant to it ?? Not the shirt...
  10. If you take the kids too.... you might just have a deal on M8. Keith
  11. Felt a bit like something from Matt Lucas's wardrobe.... the only gay in the village.... actually I'll get Mrs S to sow the buttons back on and get the kebab stains out of it Keith
  12. M ahead still hurts .... never drinking with Johnny the fish again Great to meet up with East Lothian crew... and men from Engalnd ( well Berwick). Imy - your cheque's in the post Hope i didn't buy a skyline off a guy in a pub car park in Longniddry Wino
  13. Looked great.... and allowed a wino to slip into something cooler
  14. Pints of Martini it is then
  15. << Ahh...thats right, although i still think we had some last time round. >> OK to show I'm not homophobic...1 gay drink then
  16. Johnny 50 ... get them lined up M8 , Spooks has VERY kindly agreed to give me a lift. No Baileys mind ... I'm not west lothian scooby ! Keith
  17. Mess sounds good..... a bit of a longer journey back though. Better go on the slammers early and cut down the volume
  18. "...Right, looking forward to tomorrow night... Gonna get tucked into the beer, just for a change. Anyone else drinking then ?? ..." No beer for me..... unless Spook's kind offer extends to a fellow West Lothian Punter ? Keith (thirsty man, who feels it only fair to keep J50 company on the beer )
  19. Moving meets to accomodate , the dark side ? we're going soft Only kiddin' - be good to see you John 1. WRXMANIA 2. Evojkp 3. Stiks 4. Mr NTS Post up if you can make the Thursday !
  20. Brian, did you isolate any of the electrics ( connectors/alternator etc) with cling film before you started. I've read conflicting advice as to whether you need to. Keith
  21. Yeeeessss !! - poppin and bangin to Alford part 2
  22. << 5. Johnny50 (maybe with a scoob... ) >> c/w anti lag ????
  23. Making me feel guilty...I can see some serious clean/polish TLC ( topside and underside ) this weekend. Nice work folks (Fee and Brian) Keith
  24. 0.Spooks 1.ImprezaPete 2.ScoobyAndy 3.Stiks
  25. Hmmh - I had the same discussion with Mrs Stiks..... were staying put.
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