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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. like em' both but the gold looks tight [] Nice stealth mobile before but rally beast now
  2. If you are like me a mong's guide helps :- Full boost is determined by your ECU hence remaps can yield higher boost ( wit the right mods) What is a turbo? Quite simply, a turbo is merely an exhaust-driven compressor. Imagine a small shaft about the size and length of a new pencil. Now rigidly attach a pinwheel to each end of the pencil. One pinwheel (called the turbine) is placed in the path of the exhaust gases which are exiting the engine. These gasses are 'caught' in the turbine, causing it to spin. This in turn spins the whole shaft, along with the pinwheel on the other end (called the compressor). The compressor is placed in the intake air's path; once it begins spinning, it actually compresses the air on its way into the engine. Why is this beneficial? Well, normally aspirated engines have to work to draw in their intake air. In other words, as the intake valves open, the piston's downward movement creates a vacuum which 'sucks in' some air through the intake system. Ideally, the piston's movement would suck in 100% of the air that could fill the combustion chamber. In the real world this is not the case; the typical engine will draw in only about 80% of the total volume of the combustion chamber. There are many reasons for this--intake restrictions, valve timing, camshaft design, and much more. Now imagine that the engine mentioned above has a turbocharger. When the turbo compresses the air it builds up pressure in the intake manifold. Now when the intake valves open, air is actually forced into the combustion chamber. (This is one reason why turbocharged engines are sometimes referred to as 'forced-induction' engines.) As you might imagine, this allows more air to fill the chamber. Okay, so now we have more air entering the engine. To benefit from this, we need more fuel to match. On computerized vehicles such as these, various sensors will "see" this amount of boost pressure and increase the amount of fuel accordingly. Now that we also have more fuel entering the engine, more power is made. (When you get right down to it, the only way to make more power--on any engine--is to shove more of the proper air/fuel mixture into the engine.) How do turbochargers and superchargers differ? While they perform the same function, turbochargers and superchargers go about it in completely different ways. As has already been mentioned, a turbo is driven by the exhaust gasses which are already being expelled from the engine. So, in effect, turbos add 'free' power since their compression is created by what was already discarded. Superchargers, however, are different: they are belt-driven. They feature a pulley whose belt is directly attached to the crankshaft, this allowing them to spin in direct proportion to the engine itself. The upside is a near absence of lag (see below); at least some boost is typically available the instant you crack the throttle. The primary drawback to a supercharger, however, is that they take power to make power. The overall result is more power than there would be without the supercharger; it's just that they aren't as efficient as a turbocharger from an energy standpoint. Other drawbacks include lower mid-range power than a turbo, lower thermal efficiency than a turbo, (sometimes) much harder to incorporate intercooling, etc. What is turbo lag (and how do I avoid it)? The majority of turbochargers feature a wastegate--a valve which allows some of the exhaust gas to be directed around the turbine. This allows the turbo's shaft to spin at a reduced speed, promoting increased turbo life (among other things). Think of it as a 'stand by' mode. Since the turbo isn't needed during relaxed driving anyway, this effect is harmless... ...until you suddenly want to accelerate. Let's say that you are loafing along, engine spinning 1500 rpm or so. You instantly floor the throttle. The exhaust gas flows through the turbo and cause it to spool (spin up to speed and create boost). However, at this engine speed there isn't very much exhaust gas coming out. Worse still, the turbo needs to really get spinning to create a lot of boost. (Some turbos will spin at 150,000 rpm and beyond!) So you, the driver, need to wait for engine revs to raise and create enough exhaust gas flow to spool the turbo. This wait time--the period between hitting the throttle at low engine speed and the creation of appreciable boost--is properly called boost response. Many people incorrectly call it lag, which is really something different. Lag actually refers to how long it takes to spool the turbo when you're already at a sufficient engine speed to create boost. For example, let's say your engine can make 12 psi at 4000 RPM. You're cruising along at a steady road speed, engine spinning 4000 RPM, and now you floor it. How long it takes to achieve your usual 12 psi is your turbo's lag time. Between the two, slow boost response usually causes the most complaints. There are two aspects to consider when dealing with boost response: engine factors and driver factors. As far as engine factors go, there are many things which affect turbo lag... although most are directly related to the design of the turbo itself. Turbos can be designed to minimize lag but this usually comes at the expense of top-end flow. In other words, you can barter for instant boost response by giving up gobs of horsepower in the upper third of your RPM range. (Behold the catch-22 in designing one turbo for all uses.) Driver factors are another matter. You basically need to understand how a turbo works and modify your driving style accordingly. To sum it up, don't get caught with your pants down! If you feel that there may soon be a sudden need for serious thrust, downshift until your engine speed is at least 3000 RPM. This way there will be noticable boost almost as soon as you hit WOT. If you are going up a hill at WOT around, say 1800 RPM and your speed is dropping, you'll need to downshift just like any other car in the same situation. Remember: turbos need exhaust gas in order to spin. Let them have some when they need it.
  3. Just found these on NASIOC :- Very Jools-esque ! CGS
  4. That is looking sweet......... do you work for Shell ? i think i have seen your car in my work ? Nice rims too. The reflection from the driveway in your last photo make it look like your spoiler has carbon fibre weave Cheers Cal ( fellow ABZ-dweller & owner of the same flaps)
  5. NICE ONE BRUVVA !!! Catch ye around ma' man........ Cal p.s get saving as thie lot are a REAL bad influence !
  6. Cal ( Chief Campaigner for the Scottish Scoobies O/T section........this waffle is not foremost in mind of a man who wishes to burn fuel in the pursuit if pleasure) p.s I am pished igmore me !
  7. Nice......... My wee brother used to pump McCrae's niece and spoke p1sh to Colin one night when he was at a wedding [:$] CGS
  8. This is quality ( video is embedded in the page half way down) http://www.litchfieldimports.co.uk/timeattack.asp The battle between the Escorts and the Scoob is tremendous Enjoy Cal
  9. I hope they dont get too busy as a consequence of this thread cos they are well handy for me on my way home from work [:-*]
  10. The golden rule for me is two wait 2hrs for the recipient of the moding news to calm down and then to continue the conversation by text from a remote location.................tends to keep to tempers down........... So Natalie, "Do you dig my new rims" I said..........." Nah, they have big gaps !" she replied..............ye canny win sometimes ! CGS
  11. Dont knock those boys.Charlie ..............for 3 quid I had all three of them cleaning like gimps. Like completely licked my alloys clean ( even inside the spokes on the alloy itself ) and used clean fresh sponges. Aberdeen badly lacks these services as I cannot be assed washing my car in the winter ( or even after work on week nights) Try em first my good man..... Cal
  12. I cannot be there but it's good day oot. Take your car on the mini track and get someone to video you hooning round. The track as decent grip and even a wee grandstand Cal
  13. Totally agree Johno ! I will get round to that after i have painted the garage floor & walls [] Has anyone got any good link before I do a "bigdavie" .........I understand that track days will annihilate ( sp?) the paint from what I can gather ? Rgds Cal
  14. Have seen the following live in my yoof ( and these are some of my favourites) :- Laurent Garnier ( atmosphere whipper upper) Sasha & Digweed ( solid) BT ( immense) Brothers n' Rythym Jeremy Healy ( love how he mixes Oasis, Beetles etc in to more modern stuff) Paul Oakenfold ( again solid) Brandon Block ( nutter) and hunners more....... Best night out was when myself and 12 friends went down to Nottingham for the Rennaisance New Year Ball @ Colwich Hall.........Did the Ibiza thing before all the dobbers arrived en-masse and ruined it.... Arches and the The Sally Gunnel [] were the favourite haunts back then Cheers Cal
  15. Yeah I saw your whip outside yer house last night................lokking' tidy as ! I know someone in work selling 4 Scooby alloys for £100. Could be ideal to protect your RSGT rims ? CGS
  16. Nah...........I just dont want to cane my new P-Zero's [] - plus I really want my remap done before I let rip on KH []
  17. Gents, I can no longer make that track day................ will sell my space for £80 If interested please PM me................payment can be made by PayPal Cheers Cal
  18. Highly amusing Colin !!! I can relate to that although I find it rather more tricky as Natalie hates " those cars with the scoop and big tale " ..........nonetheless, the quest shall continue [<)]
  19. Thanks chaps........... After negotiations deteriorated, text's between Natalie and I were exchanged ( she is in Glasgow just now). At 0030 hrs this morning my business justification for the purchase was put forward via teleconference. A sterling performance coupled with the robust case led to a positive decision making process. Consequently, I went to bed a happy chappy and Natalie is still smiling... Like a mod junkie, I am now looking to sell one of my kidney's to fund a suspension set-up ! Tein's are too lowe for me tbh.....I want still want my teeth to stay in ! Prodrive or Eibach ( same thing by the sounds of it ) all the way. Cheers Cal
  20. QUALITY THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. LOVIN ' that rear diffuser ! Looks so unique yet very tidy !
  22. Thanks guys......... Ideally I fancy the STi iron board style spoiler but I still think of mine as more stealthy & discrete. In a perfect world I would have a little switch to go between the two different spoilers. In the mean time I will continue my project and entitle it "Spec G" [6]........If I hit 300 ponies and get my geometry done then I have no reason to want another chariot. However, the honeymoon will drain some of my funds so I guess I'll have to bide my time ! CGS
  23. .........by my fiance from buying anything for my WRX ever again [:$] I will be needing new tyres very soon and was thinking of getting a tyre / alloy package like the Rota ones as they seem to be a good deal. I then spotted Mako ( Russ's) car for sale with his genuine PFF7's alloys.... Therefore, after a phone call and some PM's we met @ 1900 hrs BST tonight in a highly covert operation. At an undisclosed location we switched wheels and some banter. So thanks go to Russ. Now it's handling better, car's looking better and I have next to new rubber too. My fiance is ragin' and rightly so............but she would rather have a fiver today than 500 quid tomorrow. So if my wedding is called off you'll know why ! Took some pics :- This is what it looked like before. ( still quite pimpy IMHO) And in the dawg a$$ed auld days like this All I need are some prodrive springs & geometry done but that will likely be a while ! Cheers Cal p.s sorry Simon ! ( Higgy ) ...........[] - you have had too may toys lately anyways !
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