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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. Here's my first attempt at a night shot...... I can see me getting well hooked on the photography malarky Keep snapping ! CGS
  2. Inspirational photos for two reasons :- 1. My car is utterly "mocket" 2. I need to learn your SLR skills pronto ! Great pics ! Cal
  3. I know, I know - I feel enough of a dobber as it is sometimes when I burble into some of our contractors car parks and that's without an STi spoiler and an Afterburner. White is the way to go though ! Pure Miami Vice
  4. I have had my Pff7's refurbed recently ...... I actually went away from Anthracite and went for "silver sparkle" ( Powder Coaters in Cotton St, Aberdeen though) which contrasts better against my black WRX You could always go white - sheer 80's pimp and looks fantastic CGS
  5. Those of a nervous disposition look away now Nice video :- http://www.autocar.co.uk/VideosWallpapers/...CT=V&FLT=34 CGS
  6. Timely reminder :- Here was my old spiel http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...0&hl=frappr Cheers CGS
  7. This badly needs updating. It is a real bummer that we cannot have live URL's in our signature these :- http://www.frappr.com/scottishscoobies Thanks Cal
  8. Gus - looking good ma' man ! Have you seen these before ? http://www.leftlanenews.com/subaru-forester-future.html
  9. In terms of journalism I am not blown away by this............did the chap who wrote the GB270 article actually drive one ? It seems to me that he has regurgitated the marketing blurb. How does it handle, braking, body roll, understeer blah blah blah. It was a good article but I'd prefer and more detail and how it drives & handles. I signed for mine too. You canny please everyone. At least by getting it Recorded delivery means you should deffo get it. If you work offshore ye canny gripe ! Get it delivered to a mate/burds house ? CGS
  10. from my 2007 trip I budget for :- Petrol £280 ( all in from Aberdeen return plus track fuel - 1243 miles) Hotel 160 Euro £55.00 Half this for two sharing therefore (£110 each) 5 laps @ 13 Euro £55.00 Ferry Meal x 2 £40.00 Lunch x 3 £30.00 Dinner x 3 £50.00 Beer £50.00 Souvenirs £20.00 Ferry £318 ( two man cabin with sea view) - halved the far with my brother So based on two people over roughly the same dates :- Cost me circa £700 Hope this helps CGS
  11. Prelim Dates are now out but not yet set in stone :- http://www.nuerburgring.de/events.286.0.html They coincide with my plan though so track time as follows :- * Saturday, 03.05.08 17:30 until 19:30 h Touristenfahrten, 03.05.2008 (Nordschleife) * Sunday, 04.05.08 08:00 until 19:30 h Touristenfahrten, 04.05.2008 (Nordschleife)
  12. PIAA and Rain - X for me is a great combination. In a country where it rains so often why try and save dough on something so crucial !
  13. Superb folks, simply superb ! I actually saw you guys heading out of the Clyde Tunnel as I was heading back with my family. Sounded sublime and was tinsel tastic' Great effort all round ! CGS
  14. I think that the police should pull more Scoobies. If you have nothing to hide then whats the problemo. We complain about the car thieves from Milton etc etc so we ought the well the black rats tactics. I thought the Traffic cops were also known as the "shiny erses" too becuase they rarely get on the beat and have nearly worn a whole through their nylon breeches
  15. Have a peak here :- http://www.cars101.com/subaru/tiresandwheels.html#impreza Glad to hear you have the modding bug ! Cheers Cal
  16. More info (some old):- and the most compelling story :- ( the blue eyed Arabs can afford to pay more ( Norweigans) CGS
  17. I knew that would be challenged but the ratio's remain the same (give or take) and the overall message is true.
  18. click this too http://bbs.scoobynet.com/ice-2/298540-ice-...re-posting.html
  19. Same with me - see here :- http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread...ighlight=pocket All I bought was the pocket, an aerial converter and an Alpine IPod Head Unit
  20. Nice one lads - all the best with the future plans !
  21. Great news Gus !!! Keep us posted on events as they unfold
  22. Read this folks http://www.nurburgring.org.uk/tuv/ RE "Do you race from a grid or is everyone competing on lap times?" There is no official racing and timing is frowned upon as it generally ends in tears ! It's effectively a one way public road with some rules fling in to prevent chaos. You can go as slow or as fast as you like . You can even take the bus first time round ! CGS
  23. I've got Wee Finlay's gear already .......nice bibs mind ! CGS
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