this should work if not go to members area, ah! just thought are you an sidc member? that may be why you cant read thread.
make sure you speak to gary only though. tbh your quote is alot less than your renewal you wont find better than gary.
micky try here m8.
i've insured mine with all mods for £450
100% give gary a call, don't forget the SIDC discount[Y]
well i start my new job monday, but picked up my new co. car tonight.......[H]
much more fun than the merc too[6]
jon i may have that resonated from you m8, if you'll split 'em[Y]
hopefully should be able to keep the car now[]
i should of taken it yonks ago!
local delivery sounds good[]
as i'm used to selling the odd car day to day i will be making thorough checks before letting her go.[Y]
can't believe this is the only call i've had too.although someone from the isle of wight is supposed to be coming over to see it again after seeing her at japshow.
someone from wales is coming over saturday says he wants the car and can he take it back with him
OH SH!T what have I done?#
need a lift to southend now, any room for the wife and 2 kids, 2 dogs and me[]
As above. Does anyone fancy meeting up in Southend this Saturday and saying hello to our Essex neighbours?
Thought we could meet up say 7 ish at the Wharf, that hopefully gets the football out the way and people time to get ready.
Stick your names down then[Y].............
1. scoobytoo and family