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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. thanks for the lift ian and mark[|-)] felt strange being a scooby passenger though[] not as good as last year and thats with me getting chance to see it all this time[]
  2. mmm, don't forget your wellies[]
  3. WHY NOT ?[] I have a very important mission to do tonight maybe?
  4. WHY NOT ?[]
  5. wayne ring them back and speak to stuart minty and explain the situation m8
  6. well done you two, 14 years no wonder you've got grey hair mark[]
  7. tell me more[8-)]
  8. i've got m&m and missed it[:@] shame that could of been some usefull info[]
  9. sorry we left early folks. weather was pants and the kids had enough[] see most of you the weekend though[Y]
  10. no, i missed it[]
  11. the sun is shining in gillingham @ the mo[Y]
  12. just so you are aware its only 10 mins from services to layby even at "v" speed.
  13. thank you mr fish.
  14. Oh i thought that you only gave up once you went over to V power[][] that might change yet[] [][][] you change your mind more times than a prostitute drops her draws[] AND HOW MANY TIMES IS THAT THEN MARK[]
  15. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/90946.htm [Y]
  16. Oh i thought that you only gave up once you went over to V power[][] that might change yet[]
  17. don't forget your hats scarves and brollies[st]
  18. i didn't realise i've past the 3000 mark too. mind you stopped trying ti keep up with ian years ago
  19. the face looks familiar[]
  20. markie , your a dirty OLD man[]
  21. t shirt anyone?? hello, wtf went on there then, anybody else can say it. sort your lives out.[8-)]
  22. Comment removed
  23. take your time m8, no rush you have till monday[Y]
  24. give fox's a go, you'll get 10% discount.
  25. Re: lydden rallycross 28th aug Meet at Farthing Corner coast bound 8.15 am leaving @ 8.30 am A2 coast bound layby just off Brenley corner roundabout @ approx 9.00 am Please put your name down on either of the meeting points Farthing Corner 1. Granby 2. Sheepie 3. Loony Toon 4. Pele 5. BRI4N 6. Dalthegooner 7. scoobytoo (if it's not pi$$ing down) Brenley Corner Layby 1.
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