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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. personally, i don't like blue. apparently silver is the "in" colour ey trev?[] oh! btw hi scooby owners[]
  2. lordswood land of the lost t shirt[]
  3. what like the singing hamster[]
  4. must admit it was strange to get left behind. still i'll get it running back on al 6 cylinders tonight and i'll start doing a few tuning tweeks then i may be only near the back thanks for the tyres m8.
  5. nice pics mark. i suppose we'll see the slide show soon[Y]
  6. [Y][]
  7. yes and brollies. oh! i'm coming along in project "v"
  8. yes thats about it, fully adjustable eleccy recaros too, ac, cd auto, trip computer,traffic master, oh and 2 cupholders. this one has never had the carpet mat out so the carpet is as new, the ashtrea and ciggy lighter havent been used either. i've a couple of small bits to do. the alloys are kerbed to fukc, a small patch of rust on the leading edge of the arch where it gets stone chipped ans a few scratches to polish out. then the real cleaning can start, although the engine bay came up pretty good for a quick 1hr fettle. i'm going to keep if as a std car and hope to show it next year..
  9. yes m8. been on it for weeks now doing my homework, was just waiting for the scoob to girl and finding a new project. must admit didn't think i'd find a good one that quick though. i gave the guy your old dash bits last night so i owe you a drink m8y.
  10. Well as most of you know the scooby went to its new home last night[:'(] found my new project last night on the web[] I've been looking for couple of weeks for the right car and by pure chance one appeared on the net late last night.I rang the garage up this morning and agreed a deal subject to seeing it over the phone . so off the family go up to peterborough[au] to have a look. well it was basically as described the only added bonus which the garage didn't know was thar it was an MSD ltd run car with an extra 30bhp[] the guy had 20 phone calls in the time it took us to get from home to him, knowing the car was too cheap to be true i snapped his hand off[] It needs a little tlc but overall its in great nick with only 46k on the clock with a documented service history. After Sarah decided to get it filthy dirty on the way home, thought i'd give the engine bay a quick spruce[H] SO HERE YOU GO!.......................... hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe not[6] what about this one[Y] as it was.. and now[] see you tomorrow....[]
  11. DECIDED AGAINST THE LONG LONG DRIVE HOME IN IT project V is now in the garage[]
  13. its a long way away but....... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...522#description sensible but honest opinions please
  14. wayne you need to drill a hole in the tailpipe to fit the spark plug, they normally go for £60 ish.
  15. anyone interested all you need is switch and a live wire , as you can guess its mint £30 takes it, can get my chauffeur to bring it along friday.
  16. welcome back m8, chloe cried her eyes out as it drove up the road. got to find her a new toy now[]
  17. that's it[] just had a call from its new owner to say it now resides in essex, apparently going to the lodge meet tomorrow[H] bad news was the cel light came on at the tunnel[:$][*-)] 2 years owning it and the only fault was a flat battery under warranty.hes going to run it into knowlsey tomorrow hope its summit silly[:$] see you all friday... in a scooby, downside is its not mine[]
  18. yep. an oil filter. oil, pollen filter and a set of new unused l/wheel bolts, and some tyres on there way
  19. tonights the night[:'(]
  20. i thought it was only me that liked blue[] hope you had a good time see you soon
  21. who said there were going to be t shirts then paul ?[]
  22. V is for........................................ []
  23. project "V" in the pipeline, but not a scooby[]
  25. i said a few home trues barry someone didn't like it so deleted it. so much for freedom of speech ey!
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