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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IAN!! I touch goats TOO!
  2. if anyone has a football and cricket set or rounders bat and ball can they bring 'em sunday please.
  3. let me help you put it on too btw I touch goats barry.
  4. last night on itv it was crap. uv levels 3 / low?? looks better with the bbc , Camber it is then still[][Y]
  5. the weather doesn't look like beach weather sunday, any other ideas for us all to go??
  6. up again, won't be long
  7. with your t shirts[]
  8. sounds good to me the kids will like that too. maybe the "big kids could play footie or cricket"??
  9. where are we going then???
  10. luv to go to france but have to work saturdays. went to eurodisney last week for chloes 4th b/day[Y]
  11. no I haven't sold it yet[] just to let you know i've managed to get online at work[]
  13. congratulations. NAN and GRANDAD, hope all are well? see you all soon dean sarah and the kids. xxx
  14. 1. granby 2. basser 3.scoobyto
  15. paul. did you get my pm ref dates m8??
  16. jon... change of plans at the mo m8, again! see you soon dean
  18. well, my daughter wants to go to a castle tomoz. looks like hever is the most favourable as its got hucking fuge fish in the moat. so if anyyone wants to come along i'll check this thread in the morning .will leave medway around 11.30 ish.
  19. can we confirm if we going tomoz please. say 11.30 at nottcuts then decide where to go if not sorted before hand. dean + [Y]
  20. any more? where do we want to go too?
  21. traffic film remover[]
  22. diluted tfr and elbow grease[Y]
  23. As above if any one is interested in a run out some where tbc this sunday 16th... stick your names down then. 1.Dean and family
  24. well between drinking cups of tea i managed to get Barrys car cleaned.[H].......... here's a few shots before he gets it dirty again[:@] thank you for your support Barry[Y]
  25. very very nice dal. so when do we christen it ??[]
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