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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. ditto the above sue, but if you want it its yours you can take it sat am
  2. unless you have a car pass then they would come in your car to get onto the SIDC stand Seems a bit excessive! Having someone do that in your car, just to get on the stand?? [^o)] just read that![]
  3. sue, ticket is yours if you still need it?
  4. charcoal grey/ dark grey with orange print/logos.
  5. Tony. I think that is what most people want. Its in the open . If joe bloggs voted we will see his vote, this would then be a nul and void vote. Firstly we need to clarify the colours to be voted for, obviously red and white could stay off as JK said maybe put 3 or 4 popular colour combos and you vote for your 1st and 2nd choice then the highest number would get chose. Looking back at the original thread that was locked there seems to be other choices that members wanted. Stuart at Foxs was happy to go with the majority vote and I will speak to him again tomorrow to re iterate the state of play with the shirts as it was I that approached them in the first place. Dean.
  6. as seeing as i should of been there too anyway as it was i that approached foxs to gain sponsorship for sidc and ks. and i was in the process of attending to club shirts the findings at the time of which would have been put to CLUB members before a final decision was made.
  7. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/1/675191/S...ost.aspx#675191 i'll have my say in a bit[]
  8. haven't heard from him yet! i'll give it till monday if not sue can have my tkt too
  9. bewl water sounds fine with me but we will have to be quick as the water is running out [] i think after last night it should be fine for a few months[] why did it rain last night [*-)] mmmm. thunder lightning and very heavy rain, knocked the satelite tv out[:@]
  10. bewl water sounds fine with me but we will have to be quick as the water is running out [] i think after last night it should be fine for a few months[]
  11. you pay my fuel i'll go anywhere you like[]
  12. me 4. but.............................. this should have been an open vote ie put the most popular choices down for voting and each member put a b c d in their post then you know who has voted and where from, at the moment half of sidc must have voted[]
  13. just tell her the exhaust is blowing and your taking it to quick fit, take it out come back with new rear box. she knows it went to quick fit and she would surely know they f**k everything up. []
  14. he hasn't got any[]
  15. sorry guys got to work that 1
  16. not too sure yet, depends on what others want to do, could have a country drive out somewhere like bewl water?
  17. i'm at work m8[] are you down this way the bh then? you can always come out the day with us[Y]
  18. anyone, anything anywhere ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  19. sue. just wating for sheepie to let me know if he wants mine, if not your welcome to mine[Y]
  20. ooooooo uuuuuuu callin looooooooooneeeeeeeeeessssssssss ???????????
  21. no mate thats the mitsi stand. i've got B/CL []
  22. unless you have a car pass then they would come in your car to get onto the SIDC stand
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