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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. thursday/friday next week 19th/20th
  2. blondes, thats ok then most of us on here haven't got any hair at all ,ey tony ? []
  3. possible[st] tomorrow, might be lucky though!
  4. ANY MORE ? [] 1. Baser999 2. Granby 3. Markie 4. Shrek 5. Dalthegooner 6. Daniel 7. Scoobytoo 8. Dunks 9. Pele
  5. Maybe I could start evening classes.[]
  6. thank you Paul. how's the car now hope its all done now?
  7. it's next weeks papers. i had to get the article for yesterday[Y]
  8. blimey! shall we talk about the weather instead?[]
  9. boys, did you go today if so drop me a pm and let me know how you got on[Y]
  10. i've got one too! and a lift there if you want it[Y]
  11. more time for DAN to have some more coke and ice creams plus i'll buy him a large cadburys dairy milk.[]
  12. hi mark, yes there was live to sw. i think its an earth problem. going over sunday to have a proper look.
  13. they are in middlesex andy.
  14. andy. the co. at silverstone is wrc technologies. there is also bob rawle down in swindon. or pat herbourne who is a mapper that works essex area. speak to granby ref bob as he uses him. hes actually seeing him this saturday. dean
  15. i did say could be an earth probs but hard to trace without the right tools.............. i didn't have a shovel on me[6] Make up a flying lead, bolt it on to the car at nearest accesable point, short it on to the negative part of the indicator lamp and try the indicators1 If that dont work then i doubt its a dodgey earth! Off to bed see u 2morrow Dean! [|-)] [Y]
  16. i did say could be an earth probs but hard to trace without the right tools.............. i didn't have a shovel on me[6]
  17. making up for not being able to go thursday night
  18. i'll bring my meter next time[Y] btw I touch goats[]
  19. its the optimax keeps me going[]
  20. i only had a look in the dark. no meter just a test light. if i recall..... power to indicator and hazard warning fuses power in and out. no indicators, hazards, relay switches but doesnt flash on/off. replaced ind sw and hazard sw. apparentely has blown fuses before. reverse lights also in op.
  21. trouble is you need a shovel to get in there. mark you need a wiring diagram to make life easier them my meter might come in handy[]
  22. easy job trevor 60 mins top. if you fit ppp back box there are no warranty issues, if you fit other non subaru types there is a chance you;ll void it if you have an engine prob, but like most people you change it back before taking it to your nearset dealer[]
  23. great shots wayne !
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