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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. try tchnical or do a search or try here............. www.chiark.co.uk
  2. i need to speak to another club member 1st[Y]
  3. not if your in germany[] why are you thinking of leaving there for a month[] how are feeling anyway?
  4. micky i have pm'd you deano666 no.
  5. Anyone going to JAPFEST on the 20TH May we will be leaving Thurrock services at 6am, yes 6am[|-)] we need to be there for 5.45am, if anyone wants to meet at the wharf prior to this say 5.30am depart. Kent scoobies convoy will not stop at Reading services with the rest. we will carry on so we hopefully miss the queues[] who's bought tickets then? 1. scoobytoo 2.
  6. no one going to JAE then?[]
  7. great news! the kent modded show is being moved from rainham to the kent county showground to make it bigger and better. i know a few of us haven't attended this yet coz it coincides with alton. this year the dates are different so we should be able to get a stand for this. muddy has contacted me tonight and has asked if we were interested he will book us a plot. if this is the case shall we make this an official ks show sorting out a proper stand for the event.i'm sure i can get foxs subaru involved too. have a read of the website, see what you think and get the ball rolling with a few ideas http://www.moddeduk.com/
  8. slowly getting replies from the local papers tv and radio.......looking good folks
  9. won't be long now[H]
  10. just a little taster i feel for the real thing.. coming soon to a tunnel near YOU[li]
  11. check this thread out and click on his email button[Y] http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/659834/ShowPost.aspx
  12. micky. pm deano 666. hes mobile i'm sure he would do it?
  13. Watch this space[] no tony, watch THIS space[]
  14. watch this space tony []
  15. GRANBY, where are when I need you?
  16. theres a longer one than that! its about an hour , we will get you a copy micky..............[Y]
  17. OK FOLKS. get your thinking caps on and make it quick! please read the att. thread and see what you think? can you also put down if you are attending this to get an idea of area size required. Unfortunately I won't be able to put my car on this one as its on the "best of show" stand but I will still do what I can to organise this stand for us. As a suggestion , go for a KENT themed stand, but don't be too long sorting this one. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/668595/ShowPost.aspx thanks all. Dean..
  18. barry, i think your diary is as good as mine m8. 2nd july dtm @ brands
  19. no probs Arron.[Y] the way its going i called be called the clubs headless chicken.[:$] thanks for your support. dean
  20. Just to let you know that I have contacted nearly every newspaper tv and radio co. in the south east. So far I have had replies from Meridian tv, Invicta fm roadrunners, Sevenoaks courier and another Orpington local paper. I will be in contact with Invicta FM on wednesday again so fingers crossed for us.
  21. best you put it on charge now then!!! while your here you can fix my boiler[:@] no heating no hot water. i'm hoping it's the thermo couple but ca't get one till tomoz i hope.
  22. I'm up for that!!! Although i'd better not wear my Richard Burns T shirt....it will be like a bloody pararchute!! (its a bit on the big side dean!!! even for me)... Jon jon. you'll have to cuddle up with arron in it.
  23. Looked out the window just a minute ago and spotted a familiar face ! Lucky there weren't any speed cameras about. oh! just thought thats a P O he's driving they don't go fast enough.[]
  24. ahhh... mr timekeeper himself[]
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