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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. don't forget the bouncy castle
  2. sounds like fun? http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?t=501861
  3. i hope it fits m8. oh bring your chq book on the 6th m8[Y]
  4. If anyone is going to this great day on September 10th can you put your names down here please. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/2/662225/S...ost.aspx#662225
  5. next sunday then boys ? sort it monday?[Y]
  6. when are we up for a bit of t.....l wreckying then boys???[au]
  7. just heard on the radio the invicta fm roadruners will be there
  8. How spooky is that, i was just gonna post this up [H] you need to get up earlier then[]
  9. FARTHING CORNER COAST BOUND 8.30 DEPARTURE. 1. scoobytoo 2. granby 3. hol
  10. stayed at home m8
  11. I hear the EVO's are going together for some synchronised parking. We cannot let the lower species do betther than us ]" src="/emoticons/emotion-2.gif"> 1. Markie / Lin 2. Granby 3. j-k ??? 4. Daisy 5. Dalthegooner 6. Andy & Hayley XBX 7. Shrek and Family 8. scoobytoo and family 9. Hol and Family 10. sped 11. sheepie 12. Plus a mate of XBX in a black classic. Trying to keep the numbers up
  12. UPDATED T- SHIRT/STICKER LIST...... PAID = T SHIRTS, PAID = RBMR STICKERS 1. scoobytoo 2 x M. PAID PAID 2. markie PAID 3. shrek 1 x XXL + 1 x L PAID PAID 4. dunks 1 x M 1 x S PAID PAID 5. baser999 1 x XL 1 x XXL PAID PAID 6. pele 1 x M PAID PAID 7. loony toon 1 x XXL PAID PAID 8. scuzz 2 x L 1 x M PAID PAID 9. Matt 2 x XL PAID PAID 10. T123vor 1 x M PAID PAID 11. granby PAID 12. ricky b 1 x M PAID PAID 13. dalthegooner 1 x M + 1 x XL PAID PAID 14. padtwo 1 x L PAID PAID 15. scoots 1 x L PAID PAID 16. damonhill 1 x M PAID PAID 17. Daniel 2 x M PAID PAID 18. pornodan PAID 19. GTB Limited 1 x M PAID PAID 20. JK 1 x XXL PAID 21. Arron 1 x XXL PAID 22. hot rod 1 x M PAID PAID 23. daisy PAID 24. badboybaza 1 x S 1 x M PAID PAID 25. hol 1 x XXL PAID PAID 26. sheepie 1 x shirt ? chq sent direct PAID PAID THANK YOU EVERYONE. I NOW HAVE ALL THE MONEY IN SO I WILL BE PUTTING THE ORDER IN THE POST WEDNESDAY, HOPEFULLY I WILL BE ABLE TO HAND OUT THE SHIRTS ON OUR NEXT MEET AT THE WHARF ON THE 21ST APRIL.ANY SHIRTS NOT COLLECTED WILL BE HANDED OUT ON THE MORNING OF THE RELAY ON THE 6TH MAY.
  13. i' ll be there, hopefully to hand out your RBMR t shirts , so if you have ordered one please try to be there.
  14. Bar a few last minute arrangements here are the plans for the 6th May........... 8.30 am arrive at the Wharf, Bluewater. 9.00 am leave the Wharf and head to Foxs Subaru, Badgers mount. 9.30 am arrive at Foxs for meet and greet with the staff from Foxs( please be patient turning onto the forcourt as there is limited space, we will pass the garage on the right down to the first roundabout, come back on ourselves turning left into the garage. this will stop 25 cars trying to turn right against oncoming traffic ) Please be patient whilst we try to park you all up. once at Foxs I will hand out the RBMR stickers which will need sticking onto your vehicles.As a suggestion the best place for these would be the two rear side windows. I will also give out the remainder of the T shirts not handed out at the meet on the 21st April at the Wharf. There will be a photo shoot for the local newspapers and hopefully tv so that the staff at Foxs can present their jackets donated to Kentscoobies. If all goes according to schedule we will depart Foxs and travel back on the m25 to junction 6, off and back onto the m25 anticlockwise to Clackett services and meet up with Sussexscoobies, await the call from wilky and then join the convoy to thurrock to join the ESC.( don't forget your £1 for the tunnel ) From there up to PRODRIVE where there will be a stop for an hour. If you have walkie talkies please use channel 1. If you are coming up to prodrive, make sure you have enough fuel to at least get there. Whilst you are on the road, particularly with your rally plates as an identifier, please remember you are representing the Subaru community. Speeds for the main convoy are planned at 65-70mph and no more.We will do the same. The police will be monitoring progress, and will be watching for "unofficial" cars whose drivers may try to bait our drivers into various forms of motoring combat. If the police see anything they feel is proving hazardous to other road users, they have the power to stop the whole convoy and forbid it to continue. Lets make this a day to remember! If you have any queries drop me a pm. Dean.
  15. ian, do you want to rv at m2 services 1st then?
  16. Brenley Corner 1. Scoobytoo 2. Granby 3. shrek 4 xbx
  17. 1. Markie / Lin 2. Granby 3. j-k ??? 4. Daisy 5. Dalthegooner 6. Andy & Hayley XBX 7. Shrek and Family 8. scoobytoo and family
  18. anyone wanting to meet on the a2 at brenley corner faversham, shall we say 8.45. for 9.00 ish depart when the others arrive from nottcuts?
  19. any more SENSIBLE ideas then?
  20. anyone up for this one then? i need to go over and see the boss so does anyone want to join me? http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?t=504759 1.scoobytoo 2
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