FOX'S SUBARU (BADGERS MOUNT) LTD have kindly donated two heavyweight subaru jackets for KentScoobies to auction to the two highest bidders.The proceeds going to the RBMR Cancer Research appeal.
We have decided to auction them as there are already other raffles going on with other areas.
The jackets are going to be presented to KentScoobies on the morning of the 6th may prior to meeting up with the Richard Burns Relay at Clackett services. The KentScoobies convoy will head down to FOX'S where we will meet the staff and local press for the presentation.
Jon Allman of FOX'S has said that they are going to clear their forecourt for us on the day so we should all be able to all get in.
A couple of BIG thank you's to..
Jon Allman at FOX'S SUBARU for their kind donation
and also Shreks wife Justine, for contacting FOX'S in the first place.
Tel: 01959 534218
Contact: Jon Allman.
The two jackets donated are 1x large and 1x medium so there will be two seperate items to bid on.If you are making a bid please state which size you are bidding on, once the jackets have been presented to KentScoobies on the 6th May, the jackets will then be forwarded to the relevant winners.
The deadline for the end of auction is friday 5th May @ 8pm.
so happy bidding and please remember it's for a great cause.