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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. hi sue, have you got your car fixed yet? i presume if not you'll be in a proper car for sunday[]
  2. up for the new week any one else coming then??
  3. my 2p's worth. too many threads on this one running! most people i think are in the opinion that it would be better towards the end of the season septemer time, this also gives plenty of time to get numbers up etc etc.
  4. no way , that bus was travelling way within the speed limit[]
  6. UPDATED T- SHIRT/STICKER LIST...... 1. scoobytoo 2 x M. PAID 2. markie PAID 3. shrek 1 x XXL + 1 x L PAID 4. dunks 1x M 1x M 5. baser999 1 x XL 1 x XXL PAID 6. pele 1x S 7. loony toon 1x XXL 8. scuzz 2x L PAID 9. Matt 1x XL PAID 10. T123vor 1xM PAID 11. granby PAID 12. ricky b 1xM PAID 13. dalthegooner 1 x M + 1 x XL 14. padtwo 1 x L PAID 15. scoots 1 x L PAID 16. damonhill 1 x M PAID 17. Daniel 2 x M PAID 18. pornodan PAID 19. GTB Limited 1xM PAID 20. JK 1x XXL PAID 21. Arron 1x XXL
  7. japshow for me [Y]
  8. about time too![sn] got my £80's worth of cleaning gear to use hopefully tomoz , if the bloody sun comes out[:@]
  9. great turn out last night.[H] thank you to all those who settled up for their t shirts too[Y] roll on the summer [O]
  10. Anyone not paid for RBMR please bring your cheque books. thank you.[]
  11. good man ian, if its too small you can always take it back, or give it to me![]
  12. I'll be leaving about 7 but i won't be going on the A2 but striaght down the A20/M20 And within the speed limit[] that was a quick reply for an old classic owner, i was going to say travelling at 69mph.[sn]
  13. dean, did you get my email earlier ref flyers??[*-)]
  14. pele, your not driving around in that scooby convertable are you? []
  15. tony, £5.00 per car = 2x stickers. if you want t-shirts they are £15.50 plus p+p. see t- shirt thread for details and stick your details down if required. thanks dean,
  16. don't forget your monies friday night folks please.
  17. bob, just to let you know to save any confusion, i'm ordering all the shirts in 1 go to me then i will disperse them to our club members all payments are addressed to me , cheques being made payabe to cads. regards dean
  18. and they say a cat has 9 lives, [A] well done mate, great outcome i think in the circumstances. at least the judge was smiling before she started her day[]
  19. i actually thought cutting them up would make 'em cheaper.......say half price. did you get my pm? i've got your fastshow pass[Y]
  20. cut them in half you can[Y]
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