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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. any more?
  2. hello lucky[]
  3. barry. did you sort your back seat out with tony?
  4. just for you barry, nice colour too[Y]
  5. its gone!![<)] and my new toy is parked in the garage 280 horses[]
  6. very nice trvor but................................... will you pay the difference of the £4k i've got?[]
  7. mmmmmmmmmmmm blue sounds good it would make a change i suppose. if it ends up an sti ra white it would have to be. don't really want silver!
  8. as familliar as a flat 4 burble[]
  9. Well its quicker to sell a gsi than a scooby! a guy coming from Bristol after work tomoz. SO find me a scooby please max £4k...
  10. and they only come in white then?
  11. shows your awake then[] not good news is it?
  12. welcome dan, have you moved too?
  13. 1.wedmonds1 2.HOL 3. scoobytoo
  14. glad you had a good time. need to get a scooby soon so we can do that next year. lol at the disco!
  15. great pics trev. what happened to your screen?
  16. hope they aren't following barry today or they'll never get back lol..[sn][sn][sn]
  17. of course they will! 2007 lol!
  18. ????????????? on its way then!
  19. as above ref seat etc>>>
  20. don't use one of marks dodgy wall tiles. you'll have an accident otherwise[]
  21. i was just going to send you to the wallpaper department too[] you would probably need some solvite too[6]
  22. B&Q[]
  23. I could do but i did say i wasn't going to do any more track days, having said that i know someone who has a set of rims for sale [^o)] who's that then?
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