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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. barry, that was very good for you[Y]
  2. Trev, just wear them pink/brown shorts again that will keep the wolves and anything else away m8[]
  3. not getting into slanging match just stating a few facts tony. btw tony, when the k/s flag was given to us, pele "quote" said she was "going to change all the k/s logos". i don't think ian had a copyright on the logo did he? anyone can draw a map of kent and add some stars, think my 3 year could even manage that one. phil- appologies didn't realise i had insulted anyone??[:$]
  4. i'm sure you will find and know tony that pele organises the birthday bash, i gave up sorting events out for the club ages ago. local events were to be arranged by the indivdual as and when required ie. basser doing french trip. most events k/s attend are nearly all sidc backed which apparently weren't down to me. seeing as the b/day bash is only 14 days away i would of thought people would need to know the score by now. seems like its been left to ian to post things up otherwise we would still be waiting. the k/s meet is only next friday, who posted that up then??? the club seems to go round and round in circles. t shirts , stickers bla bla bla! those shirts could of been done months ago. it was already to go inc. prices with a supplier but it was decided it would be left to you and pele. and still people are waiting! dean
  5. i think most of those were repeat thread too![]
  6. arhhhhhhhhhhhhh! thats better, a week os peace!
  7. you missed a bit ian............................................................... DON'T FORGET YOUR HATS,COATS AND SCARVES[]
  8. alfawagonwiththeparkingsensorsisnowinthebodtshop[]
  9. welcome.... we do stickers too![li]
  10. sorry Mark........
  11. what worries me is... your all following barry around france when he had trouble getting back from hythe.[au]
  12. fpmsl @ hol. tears rolling down my eyes m8. 10/10 for that one
  13. OFF WE GO THEN..................... AND ANOTHER....
  14. we decided yesterday we'll have a vote on it next year
  15. You mean you scrolled to the right, then scrolled a bit more and scrolled some more and found it [] ........................................................................................................................................>>>>>>>>...............................................................................>>>>>>>................................................................>>>>>>.............................................................................>>>>>>.....................................................[Y]
  16. i just went to post wtf are you on about ian as the page was blank then i scrolled to the right...lol.
  17. ??? ?
  18. great day!! really enjoyed it, Jacks spitting sand castle now. oh barry, where was you off to on the way home then? glad i manged to keep up in the rep mobile too see you all soon[]
  19. it is one of the same m8 yes. and yes we did get an invite.
  20. that looks really good mark. needs silver graphics now.[H]
  21. i'll lead the way the way if you like i can keep you SUBARU boys under control with my 200bhp diesel.[]
  22. greatstone it is then. need to go via ashford towards new romney then down the hamstreet bypass. takes about 40 mins max from nottcuts
  23. are we going to camber or greatstone along the rd a bit which has more sand and has dymchurch and new romney along the rd 2 miles too, its where we went last time ian, oh it has a chippy too![Y]
  24. looking at the piccy, trevor is closest
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