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Everything posted by SCOOBYTOO

  1. [:#] pmsl... i suppose you washed the car too. thats why it p*ssed down then[li][st]
  2. middle one looks best
  3. LDN BND[]....... lol
  4. barry, isn't it past your bedtime m8[]
  5. no probs with that one[Y] Cheers Dean [] i'm sure some will take you[]
  6. no probs with that one[Y]
  7. up for more?
  8. any more nearly 100 cars now ? [H]
  9. Dean. can you point out where on this thread a member or members have insulted either you Tony or Pele ? I have re read all the post on this thread and I can see no mention of the sort. every post has praised the club and the SIDC..???????
  10. £145 your having a laugh micky!! as the boys said try deano, and he'll come to you[Y]
  11. bon soir[sn]
  12. the split gaitor would explain the clicking then where the joint has dried out the ball bearings in the cv joint are rolling around in the casing. probably a new cv joint and gaitor then
  13. sounds like possible. CV joint if it clicks from the wheel area . it will be more prominent whilst driving and turing steering onto full lock..... or possible driveshaft/propshaft vibration, due to faulty bearing.
  14. this will be a great day/night out for anyone who didn't go last year. "I'll name that tune in 1"[]
  15. .[Y]
  16. up for the week. markie, get your name down, i'm sure you will want to show the new beast off[H]
  17. TONY. I did not state you had put Dean up to it, I asked if you had? As you and Pele are running the club I'm surprised that neither of you had commented. I can't see where the back stabbing is coming from here, we as members of the SIDC and K/S have our own opinions and are replying rationally to the thread started by a very good friend of yourself, Dean
  19. Dean. where was the interference from moderators which affected you thus starting this thread as I really can't understand where this has come from? I also notice that both Pele and Tony have been on line today and neither have commented on this post. As they seem to "RUN" K/S what are their thoughts or have you been put up to start this thread on their behalf?[*-)] This is not a "dig" at you but I feel is a justified question. Dean...
  20. i've seen silver 5 spoke alloys on dbm cars and its not my cup of tea[]
  21. was it flack or machine gun fire?[] Ian have you rang your insurance co. they should come out to you at home today if your lucky? they came and fitted mine last year at JAE in the middle of the judging for show 'n shine[]
  22. maybe another time then. just an inpulse thought as the sun is coming out to play..
  23. i was waiting for the phone to ring, so i switched it off[] shall i book a weeks holiday then?
  24. WOW!![] some great shots there. which airfield did you go to Ian?[ap] looks like you all a great laugh, i see you all looked the part[] tally ho for now !!!
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