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Everything posted by corsa

  1. Better watch guys or this thread may be locked.
  2. Have to agree with you coulty, what about the rest of the Off Topic Shoite that is posted? Dont see them getting locked,i actually quite enjoy the mixes ( although not all of them) but a change from the normal, look i have washed my car and there are too many exclamation marks in your reply type threads!!. Even Dougster didnae take it this far.....
  3. Jeez Andy,sorry! I can say that after listening to you all day about how good your car is i decided to turn my back on you and stick me fingers in ma ears[]
  4. Good looking guy with the Subaru jacket !!!!!!!!!!
  5. Today at 10 am ish Not paying attention to the A8 while the strange fellow with the 406 estate drew alongside and waved frantically !!!!!!!!!!! Not so shiny today big chap,still an eyecatcher on the road none the less. ta ta till next time.
  6. I splutter under a heavy load!! but that may be off topic i am afraid. Hope you get your tubes cleared out. Davie
  7. Good luck with the new venture son.
  8. Whats an oobster cushion Andy? Nice vid, bit shaky though, didnt realise you send the shivers up Imy so much.
  9. Thanks for all the well informed replies guys ( and Spooks!!) Mrs Corsa is still nipping my head re the Mini.may contact a few of you via PM if thats ok to have a chat. Once again thank you. Davie
  10. As title, just wondering what folks on here thought of them and if anybody has any experience of them. Also if anyone has one for sale pm please. Not too fussed about high spec as its only for her.[]
  11. corsa

    Is there any reason to start all this piish again? FFS get on with life.
  12. Glad to play lead en-route home via the private road that my mate owns[H]
  13. Also a speed camera van has had its own "spot" tarmacd just beyond the bus stop at the vets en-route from East Kilbride to the Cathkin roundabout. It is a well known spot but now he has moved 50yds down the road you cant see him until, you guessed it It`s TOO LATE. Watch it guys and galls.
  14. Might come down and visit the bumkins tommorrow night. Welsho and any others fancy a Glesga convoy?
  15. I reccommended S&S because i have always been happy with their service whether it be sales/after sales or indeed servicing. All people are open to negociation on pricing structures you just have to have the right approach towards people. if they dont suit you then fine but is there REALLY any need for continued slagging of a SUBARU DEALER Billy. That was not a question requiring to be answered just a statement. davie PS all the best with the cambelt change BTW
  16. As above it is needed in this weather. safe for work btw [] http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID...rating=nsfw_sfw
  17. Rab, go and have a chat with John Spicer at S & S services in Heathfield Ind Est. I never had any issues with them and are more than happy to help all fellow SIDC scoob owners out.
  18. Parked up while we had a picnic on the beach watching the waverly go by.Great run lovely day.
  19. FFS it gets worse, born a brought up in Airdrie and live the rest of your live mingling with folk that sleep wi their sister LOL
  20. At least i dont fiddle with wires and connect things that i dont know what i am doing[] or is it that the bumpkins cant read instructions?
  21. And especially in MAYBOLE FFS they only got telephone lines connected last month. I would imagine that one of the cities would be the first to recieve this fuel before the bumpkins did. PS,Maybole folk need not throw toys out the prams as i am having a laugh.
  22. jeeez Dave and i thought it was Dougie that drove like a WUMAN[:$] Sorry Great looking car none the less.
  23. right back at you. try a 9m 345s[]
  24. Thankls for that, the cream did work very well and has got rid of that burning sensation[]
  25. Seevers will do them as a homer, i would but forget how to use my tools!!! Easy enough to make tbh,bottom,top and mid rail, 2 braces (diaganol)and fit the planks. Mind and use crook and band hinges as TEE hinges are guff. Any more help just ask. (joiner to trade) PS i have forgotten more than seevers has learnt!!![] davie
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