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Everything posted by corsa

  1. Number 3 found this morning, traps will be re-set once they have been thouroughly cleaned and another rolo squashed in the trap. Updates no doubt later tonight!!!
  2. Ok, until i catch more caption comp time. Ok i will start. Anybody wish to guess which forum members i named them after?
  3. Popped in for a wee look and 2 traps have worked, only tiny little things but suppose the costs could be frightening. I suppose it`s better leaving traps set to make sure they all depart!! Davie
  4. Ok guys, bit of a strange one here, not really a squeak but lets say a thing that makes the noise has been in my engine bay. I found the wee red plastic cover on top of the engine nibbled away. I THINK I HAVE A MOUSE IN MY ENGINE!!!!!!! Picture below is of the knawed part. Picture below is that of 2 of the six traps i have set Picture below shows that i mean business. Sorry about the rubbish pics, taken from the phone. Lets wait and see whats there is in the morning, has anybody else had a similar problem? it could turn out to be expensive if it chewed through the loom or a fuel pipe!!!! Wierd or what. Davie.
  5. This Sunday 8pm, dont forget now Girls. davie
  6. Gerry Kilmurry and myself had many a tussle years ago, tell him Davie Hatrick send his worst regards davie
  7. Beginning to think i am Crash 2, seen a jumper on a bridge in Newcastle today, not pretty, then a mangled 3 series at the gow. Think i will stay local on Wednesday.
  8. Went for a wee run in the rain to clear all the mud from the underbody and arches after a week in Ullapool and Sutherland to find conditions very slippy indeed. Left London Road Shell with a white STI passing as i was paying, headed to the clyde valley,got tailed by a bugeye Blue who headed for the 74. Took the Stonehouse to Strathaven road then strathaven to galston to find a freelander rolled in the middle of the road in front of me. He clipped a puddle on the inside and dragged him in but they were all ok. Then headed from galston to Eaglesham moor road to find an elise who was heading to todays track day at Knockers buried in a hedge after coming over a crest and losing it about a mile passed Louden castle. It was a bit of a mess but the guys were ok,i did offer to wait and give them a seat in the car as it was pashing it down but they said they were ok. Hope its not too expensive a repair guys a tidy blue number before the prang. then the best bit was a young lady in a mini cooper at the roundabout at the bottom of Eaglesham heading back from Ikea with a roof full of self assebly furniture, as i was going to turn right she was motoring and left the braking a bit late,slammed on the anchors ( i stopped mid roundabout in case she overshot) then all the flat pack furniture burst through the non waterproof cardboard packaging. Melamine everywhere. After that i went home and locked up the scoob,three times lucky was enough for me. How was your day!! Davie
  9. Ahh, forgot about him. No doubt Playsatan will be along shoutin for the Boaby too!!!!!!!
  10. I vote Playsatan. For coming out this year. Well done that man.
  11. To be honest those were probable better days back but then again not may of the old school still about!!! I can count the number of folks from 6 years ago with one hand. Lets see how may will still be about in 6 years time. They drop off and return, some just dont go away unfortunately!!!! best of luck to all concearned,old and new.
  12. Have any of you guys worked on the motorway network? then you would maybe appreciate why the limits are imposed. Its to save the lives of the workforce . END OF.
  13. Cant belive this has slipped to page 2. No comment yet from coulty the gay singing policeman then? What about gaysatans live in lover johnny ?
  14. Come to think of it Colin, coulty did worry me a few times. You may have a point with that one, and then he started to like uniforms. Whats all that about. Anyway you not got a decent model of car yet?
  15. Ahhh Mr gaysatan, me think you just wish that Andy,Wilky,coulty,squiggle and myself were gay so that you could come on to to us but alas we are not so off you go back to gayland and try another opening!!! Regards Corsa ( not a hint of gayness) Apart from my pink fluffy dice but thats another story.
  16. This sort of stuff really gets on my goat, not just Gav but in general, why post stuff like this aginst dealers and not just have a face to face talk rather than over the net. Not my way of working but i must just be old fashioned. Davie.
  17. The guys asking a fair question why cant people on here not just give a fair response instead stupid replies. Mate, why not get yourself a trickle charger,get it up on axle stands to take the dead weight off the suspension,wheels etc, keep the windows open a tad to let the air circulate. Only my thoughts. davie PS, pop out every now and then to give it a polish!!!!!!
  18. Block non starter as he is running non resticted turbo he wont be allowed to start , even though was running as a course car. There's sure going to be a load of gutted spectators out there tomorrow unaware that Block isn't running. Surely just for once common sense could prevail and he's allowed out to play?? Or is it just going to be the usual small minded attitude from those in (so called) authority?? That's certainly going to encourage more big names to come here in the future......NOT........ Bad news.
  19. Another legend passed, away after a long illness. Thoughts are with all concearned. http://pentti-airikkala.gonetoosoon.org/
  20. Still robbin barstewards Mini one 53 plate screen, rain sensors,heated. Autoglass £674.00 Euro Windscreens £ 295.00 Incl Xs If you want to know how to get by things PM me otherwise enjoy your new Autoglass windae. Davie
  21. Congratulations to all. Davie
  22. Bought my last 3 scoobs from John and both sales,service and after sales customer care is second to none. If i continue to have a scoob i will continue to use John,Cambell,Lorna and the team. 10 out of 10. davie
  23. 15th of September was such a sad day for all concearned. Davie
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