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Everything posted by corsa

  1. Ok, heres my effort with the new lens, played about with it alot and think a few more plays will get better. Whats you thoughts? Enjoy. Davie
  2. Not be long till Auld inns get a refurb and gets rid of all those nasty kerbs that catches people out. davie
  3. From what i have heard he sold the scoob bought a bike and doesnt frequent the site no more. may be wrong though. D
  4. Was that not Big Andys car from Ayreshire Scoobies?
  5. Scoob was in for an oil change at S&S and asked Lorna to look at the wheels to see if i had a case, she gladly advised the process,took pictures and said they will get back to me later in the week.She called today to advise that Subaru UK have authorsied 4 brand new alloys under warranty. Top marks go to S&S again for great service and even better customer communication. Just goes to show if you approach people the right way you generally are treated the same way. Shiny wheels coming soon ( tried to get PFF7s but Lorna said politely no ) Davie Oh and i got a new battery under warranty too.
  6. Oh SHE will never forget about me i always pop up now and again to make sure. Hope alls well and maybe see you at Charterhall on the 4th? No restrictions apply. davie
  7. Would have gone but i said the wrong thing to the organising car club one day ( £££££) and got myself banned from attending any of their events. Beware of them, just agree what they say and enjoy your sport. davie
  8. Right man for the right job. PROGRIP all day long. davie
  9. Yeah, aware of where the PFS are just wanted to know cos normally go North from Ullapool on daily runs,Kylesku,Durness,Tongue etc etc. Cheers
  10. Ok, i am soon to go on my pilgrimage for a weeks thrashing around Ullapool. The question is will the scoob be ok to run on normal unleaded since the Andy F remap ? Or do i need to go Octane booster? Your help/advice and thoughts are very much appreciated. Davie
  11. 1. John St's coilovers 2. Playsatans Gearbox 3. Squiggle's bodykit off the fat banana!! 4. PlaySatans Gearbox (after I fight off Grant for it!) 5. Welsho's pink anti roll bar 6. Higgy's Engine. 7. Playsatan's wheels ( his spare set would do me nicely ) 8. Any SW engine thanks , there must be at least 1 or 2 to choose from here 9. PlaySatans whole car!! (Yes i am greedy! ) 10. Wilkys whole car ( i am also greedy ) 11 Paul555sti's wheels (in silver) 12. JohnSt's wideboy bodykit 13. Cusco Kids PFF7 S 14 Bravehearts Bride Bucket seats, the rest of the cars just too scary 15. ShellyScooby's old ironing board spoiler - as my shirts need some serious attention. 16.Shellyscoobys flaps.
  12. rather than a public slating of any supplier/service have you spoken direct to the dealer principal himself or was it the service lassie? Usually gets a better response next time you need anything from your dealer. Only my opinion. Will be trying the same route as mine are flaking a tad too, feck knows how its never out to play these days!!! Davie
  13. Come on John, time for a how do i thread from the Welsho? Love em. D
  14. Ok so it may everyones cup of tea and to be honest it doesnt really do anything for me but each to their own. there are so many versions and so many different opinions on cars,some may like it others dont. Stephen, does it really require a moderated warning just because someone says something that others may not agree with,dont think so. Davie
  15. What about having your April meet at Charterhall, we still need marshalls for the Charterhall stages rally on the 4th April? let me know if any of you guys can make it so i can let the organisers know? Will post up another thread in the events section specifically for this. Davie.
  16. Scoobynet classified ads, that all the information i have chaps. Good luck. davie
  17. Just had a reply from Del, Quote" they are pukka STI standard classic he bought them before the 22b and made up the brackets to suit" Will see if he can let me know where he purchased them D
  18. Message sent Mr Wilks, will let you know when i get a response. davie
  19. To save all the hassle do you want me to call him and ask the question??
  20. Must be pretty serious for the last minute call off!!! maybe Jim cannae make it due to other commitments.
  21. ****,**** what a sad sight gutted for you mate.
  22. Just back after a great weekend in Sligo, will post up a wee report and some pics this week. davie
  23. Typical classic driver letting the side down.
  24. Ah, yes Grant but look what people said when Volvo joined the BTCC?? You never know..............................
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