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Everything posted by pezza_no1

  1. I'll be there... Just about to go have a crack at the rear brakes that's just turned up today so fingers crossed all goes well if not then I'll be turning up in the Civic lol
  2. Sounds good, think I might start taking mine over there for a service too
  3. afternoon chap
  4. 1) S.P, Edmondo and S.I.D.C Mum 2) Pez
  5. 1) Ed and S.p 2) Pez + Missus
  6. Definately doesn't hang around that's for sure!
  7. Bit of T-cut and that'll polish out lol
  8. It's a brilliant day.... wonder what time on the 1st of march will they be going up? Day off work and just sit on here waiting all day lol
  9. Wicked
  10. There's a place in Newbury, Subaru 4 U that might be able to help. http://www.subaru4you.co.uk/index.shtml
  11. Afternoon all... Hope everyone's having a better Friday than mine. Sat at work with nothing to do until 8pm Sucks donkey dikkie lol
  12. Don't know if anyone's seen this over in the events section but it's kinda in our area being just a short trip down to Bournemouth. Is anyone interested or anyone already organising a stand that I don't know about as I can see this being a good day out???? http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128383 Pez
  13. Blimey, you seriously are a fast worker
  14. Now there's a challenge for you. Good luck chap and cant wait to see it up and running
  15. Plenty of time this weekend hippy boy!!!! Lol Morning people, and how is everyone today? Pez has a sore throat from hell back of my throat is swollen up SO much it's unreal
  16. I'll be there s.p/edmondo stinger Sti lewark scooby_ger Pez
  17. Well it's fitted to the actual pipe coming up from the front mount, so don't know how different that is to top mount as the car was like it when I got it! We must compare at the nxt meet once ya get it fitted!
  18. Would put ine up but seems it's on the FMIC pipe i dont think it'll be much use for you! Sorry dude
  19. Go look in that shiney thing you've got on your wall.... It's called a mirror... And you'll see a gump....... That's if you're face haven't broke them all already!?!?!?!?!? PMSL Ha Ha Ha Me so funny!
  20. That's bloody brilliant my son, couldn't figure out what the hell I was actually meant to do with those 'bits' but now you've explained it it's so obvious (he says feeling rather lyk a dumb a***!) Only problem is now trying to find those bits, i'm sure they're lying around somewhere Lol Got the spoiler 2nd hand but in new condition awaiting paint for £70....... Cost me £180 to get it sprayed tho Day light robbery and it's a **** job, even after I got the guy to re-do it after the 1st attempt was pants as well May give it a go this weekend while doing my boost solenoid which I just dont seem to have time to fit.
  21. Did have some 'things' with it but no instructions as such as it was new but 2nd hand. Might give it a go this weekend and see how it goes
  22. I was watching this auction yesterday and it ended on 4k. 4k for a UK300 with PPP seems a fairly good deal doesn't it, what do you recon? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=110348499913
  23. Gump!
  24. Yeah seen that spoiler before, and they do it for classics as well. When I put the big spoiler on it didn't fit very well as the middle was raised off of the boot. There's holes to drill which would then screw the middle to the boot lid but I was unsure about doing that. Has anyone else had to drill new holes in the middle or should it just sit flush to the boot? That's the main reason really I've not got it on, it's currently sat in my shed collecting dust!
  25. Definately fight that one. A few years ago a mate of mine crashed his scooby and it was only body work but they tried to write it off. They tried their hardest to say nearly every panel wanted replacing even if it was only a scratch. He complained to the insurance company and told them he did not want that garage to be involved anymore and they swapped it for him and suprise suprise the 2nd garage fixed it no issues.
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