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Casper Spec D

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Everything posted by Casper Spec D

  1. G.T haven't you notice the recent increase in the amount of bad driving subaru's in our surounding area.There is three I know of that stay not to far away from me and thats all they do is sit up your a*!e thru the town then overtake in the most stupid place as soon as you leave it and end up about two cars in front. pointless.
  2. Looking good mate,very shiney
  3. And will try anything the big man is all up for a adventure! clever guy is wullie,Did a good job keeping my drager style backbox looking standard.
  4. Well done mate it's good to see it complete and as I said before hats off to you thats alot of hard work thats payed off. .Cracking car
  5. Intercooler looks good mate.It should certainly cut down on the pipe work was down at wullies last week but was kinda busy so didn't stay long.Any idea when you'll be back on the road or are you going for some more mods in this department?
  6. Miller's 10/60 also.
  7. Had them since they came out Richie and they are brillant in the dry and good in the wet and they are wearing well also.
  8. Don't get the Re 070 on a 19" they only go up to 17" A run the new eagle F1 asymetricails and got them from elite direct .com and got 4x 18/40/235 for £444 and free next day delivery.
  9. Thats a cracking looking car mate.
  10. pics, The guy is serious in the A-line the last time a was there he did the bottom end in a think it ran out of oil if a remember.
  11. What's a mod??? 1 - drb5 2 - 3 - Not done any and never will 1 - John Stevenson 2 - WUZ 3 - Done a couple but more in the pipeline 1 - IainC 2 - Double Zero 3 - Ac!D 4 - MrBadger 5 - G.Mac (going st see Mr Squirrel eating his liver before christmas when I get 400BHP out of my standard VF35) 6 - Speech 7 - imy 8 - marky.t.s 9 - scooby-girl (mod crazy next year! ) 10 - Auldy - (stockpile of parts jus waiting to be bolted on, Jan.08 watch this space) Going mod crazy at the mo, I can't help myself and the wife is going to kill me 1 - TheWelsho 2 - Stuarted (NB no wife!) 3 - Z1000 (Cant afford a wife have a scooby 2 feed and support) 4-Gus the Bus- Never stop modding and just started today all over again I'm nearly finished, only tweaks from this point on :- 1 - Playsatan2 2 - Frank C 3 - Fai17 4 - GaryD 5 - ScoUK All done, this is just how I want it 1 -Squirrel 2 -Ally-b 3 -scoobykev 4 -oobster 5 -JAC 6 - scoobyiain 7- Higgy ..... untill i get paid at the end of the month 8- Cal 9- casperspecd All done, this is just how I want it - but stage 2 is only a pay rise away. 1. st3ph3n 2. 360ste
  12. Have to say a didn't like these cars when they were released but once a had seen one in the flesh,well it changed my mind.The rally car does look very mean incomparrision to the road going vesion.
  13. Hi mate never got a chance to talk to you in the restraunt on saturday night as you were busy just heard you saying it was getting mapped on monday,Thats some impressive figures it must be a handful on full boost.Am glad you've got her back on the road and it was good to actually see the car in the flesh and well if mines ever breaks badly(touch wood)a will be calling on your expertease and knowledge to build her stronger, faster,harder.
  14. My dad always say's these are true drivers cars,"Steer from the rear none of this four wheel drive rubbish". They are very tidy, I saw Stevie meeks Mrk2 escort in at meercat what a car 350Bhp cosie engine,Serios stuff
  15. A just got a Snakehead and 3" inch system done at Meercat and it was great because a have the spec D a told them that a wanted a little more noise but a drager style back box but for it to look like the prodrive back box So a could still keep the stealthness of the car.A got everything a asked for and the service was great.
  16. Cracking car mate
  17. It was a £105.95,As far as am concerned it was the best thing a spent cash on and as you said he is a hell of a nice guy explains things very well.
  18. A think if you ask anybody that has modified a car in anyway,you would probably get the same answers. A think its the fear of the unknown and the fact that you don't want to break your pride and joy as a result of yourself. A was the same when a done the stuff to my car but as people said if you keep worrying you stop enjoying your car.You just got to have faith!
  19. Thats amazing mate Well done!
  20. Unlucky mate! There a pain in the a£$E A hit one in my mates focus At sixty there was nothing left of the front of it and it caved the windscreen in at the corner the car was a write off,so in that respect your lucky.
  21. A just got the goemetry done at kenny browns as a friend recomended him as he used to set up the classics for the tarmac rallies.A think he is more expensive that hypertech and pro grip. But it would have cost me more in fuel to go thru to bonnybridge.He has the car for a day thou and he askes you what your using it for,your driving style and also if you have uneven tyre wear. I did the back were scrubbing on the shoulders and on the outside at the front.Anyway he sorted it out and well the tyres are wearing more even and also the car is a hell of more direct and turning in far qiucker into the corners. Was a top job and the service was great.
  22. Hi mate and welcome!
  23. Have to say those are some smooth looking legs.
  24. Tidy but what would you rather have as your everyday driver?
  25. car liking that alot! Those wheels look tidy.
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