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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. Looks like a rotary m8 extreme caution
  2. Hope he get a room next to mine then ha ha
  3. typed out a long answer then hit the stupid red x looky here m8 machine
  4. I now use facebook but only allow select folks into mine
  5. lol Barry something you would like to share :D
  6. Defo got water in? or stat bobby had that a few years ago in a astra
  7. Nae luck suppose we all need to work at some time though
  8. If requested from the OP then that could be arranged
  9. looks more like an Evo, shame on you all
  10. Well i can imagine a few people waking up with sore heads this morning Subaru Cosworth i would imagine it would be called going by past marks!
  11. 500 little horses running around in that burble flat 4. over £38k and then some..........
  12. I took 3 of them last year so i think i will up the anti and buy another, just in case Barry you might be better with the plastic variety m8 & some ratchets to hold them down coz you have fek all boot left
  13. I said to the wife the other night about the future partnership between Subaru & Cosworth after reading this post. Her reply....... ........ your not f**king getting one......... That will be that then
  14. Oh my god! not had one of them in ages
  15. Oh no! Ma wife could divorce me.......................
  16. Nope not us Kenny all the kids are getting passed over to the grannies m8, as for the other half i think mine is looking forwards to this more than me m8 Dont see why you shouldnt tho Kenny, wee man would probably love it up there
  17. You could theoretically buy two for that price , get me one too not XXL before he posts up Oh and Dave i would need to be seriously hammered before any disco dancing was to pass through my legs, wow i think i would need to drink at least..............2 pints
  18. Moaning again and i will hold you [closely] to that So are we staying at the Travel Lodge or Premier Inn, Millburn Road..... the one with all the furniture as would rather stay in same place for a laugh at night, easy either way.
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