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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. Are the front & rear shockers not different? Someone with a brain will be along shortly m8
  2. Very nice, when you taking orders
  3. I must be gay then as i would .......... all night lol Wife said to me last night lady ga ga is on in glasgow.............. would have been nice to know a while back........ love her last song bad romance, amazing video
  4. Must admit this looks so so sweet, would be a complete eye catcher. As said above just do it The subtle contrast with the vinyl graphic is even better, minted
  5. oooer misses nice and shiny, just in time for the highland run.......... you will need to keep it clean Imy Sure Grant will be more than willing to lend a hand Well done
  6. Yeah that would look the dogs dangle, when you getting it done?
  7. The legal position is that the front side windows on all cars must allow 70% of light to pass through them. That figure also applies to the windscreens of cars first used before April 1985; any car first used from then onwards has to let 75% of light through the windscreen. source Mine are limo black at the back and although it's ok i would have preferred all of them to be tinted.
  8. Lol you know the worst of it? he is so authoritative with the uniform on, scare's me
  9. Cant believe it busted today by this cheeky little sod Little monkey ha ha
  10. Nice one looks like that motor has been worth the wait
  11. Mmmmmm There is no 'I' in 'WE' I don't want to organise the runs, that is what the RO is for! I was only giving my opinion and as stated above this is a free country. These people please stand up and make your case! ^^ i am that tw@t as the vast majority of mature, elitist and enthusiasts work during the week & for the reasons posted above i aint repeating myself I know you can't do weekends & respect is given for the reasons behind that so looks like a Thursday then. Boss
  12. Not on the routes that Barry plans, out of the way twisties. We could trial run a Saturday one month or alternate between the 2?
  13. I am the boss at home............only between 9:15-4:30 though Voting polls are useless as people from Kent/Wales/new york can vote without posting within the topic! [registered users] Who the hell wants to go a run on a Monday? It is voted for [1] also including Tuesday [1] Wednesday [2] and a Sunday [1] Start a topic with genuine people from the Lanarkshire run posting one word reply only, that one word being one of 7 choices monday, tuesday............ Would make for a clearer understanding of peoples opinions. But will go with the flow, work comes first though & i dont fancy chasing around the countryside late on a Thursday night when i have a 12hr shift ahead of me on a Friday!
  14. LOL no Badbaz is the boss I am just a minnow in a big pond *edit* I think, and just my opinion mind, that a Saturday night would make for a more relaxed evening, better fun, longer run! & we could all sit and watch the sunset over Lanark Loch, hold hands and chant in a new era. Seriously a Sat night once a month is got to be better than a Thursday night.
  15. 12 votes and only 6 replies to this thread Days all over the place, could the people that actually turn up for this Lanarkshire meet take part in the poll, please?
  16. Hiya, nice motor with the WR1
  17. Thursday is rank rotten for me, that is usually one of my busiest days in the week along with a Friday. Football doesn't affect me as I personally hate the game! Weekends are difficult as having a family weekends are usually taken up I would say as it is only once a month a late Saturday afternoon or evening, that way you don't have to worry about getting home for a decent time & worry about work the next day. *edit* i voted for thurs/sat
  18. should do, i got back up from London in my classic
  19. I asked that very same question ages ago Cathy........... something about always been on a thursday
  20. Might do Imy, It's only going to have 2 silencers .... one on each side i will wait till it's fitted Jesus Phil lmao that is just so wrong in so many ways. I am actually lost for words Thanks man had a shunt of a day & that made me smile Hey Graeme, i can hear your dump valve in my soundproof hatch with the radio on and windows up lol
  21. Thank Colin, i will leave as is at the moment, i can make the whoosh sound myself if needed
  22. Just the whoosh factor, my daughter [7 yr old] complained my car didn't sound as nice as my old black car lol Seriously does dumping the boost between gear changes not prevent damage to the turbo on high boost pressure? I only look stupid because i don't know the answer
  23. Anyone else with a serious answer................... must be the cold water!
  24. Maybe i should ask the kids at the nursery when i drop the wain off tomorrow!! Look Hawaii 5-0 i have phoned the RSPCA on you Sensible answer Semi- sensible but seing as you are a nice guy BAD Girl
  25. Looking for a whoosh valve for my hatch prior to remap, looking for opinions on what is best & type. So asking the resident experts Forge Blitz HKS Turbo smart What you reckon.
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