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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. Failing to stop for a police officer, doing 70 in a 40 about 15 yrs ago in a Cavalier CDi Went to court, gave them a letter from my employer that i typed up on stolen headed paper pleading for the 'employee' not to lose his licence, got 4 point and £200 fine Got off with the failing to stop & i to this day dont know what those 2 gay traffic barstewards were doing in that bush together before they jumped out on me Came to my door a few days later at 6:30 am on a Sat & just about knocked my door down to tell me i was busted lesson learned also, never speed in a 'built up' area, that area being the big straight road before lanark loch late late evening. I watch speed limits more than i look out of my windscreen now and rightly so, limits are there for a reason. Best of luck
  2. If only you were 16 again Gus happy birthday classic
  3. Ah with you now, i have seen that before also. I thought the club had them in the shop, just had a looky & they dont
  4. I use street legal plates while driving, why give the plod with a attitude an excuse
  5. I have not replaced the scooby windscreens yet.......yet but had to change the transit windscreen after a pheasant tried to attack me en route to Biggar a few years ago, both died
  6. Less than a week now Barry Think i might just paint that black Andy
  7. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?s=&...t&p=1353777 For the vid clip
  8. Yup thats the first thing i thought too. Prefer the Hatch
  9. Yeah well it's not fun any more, from a business point of view it is now costing me money. From a personally view it has now cost a family it's happiness Very sad news, gutted for the family. bus crash
  10. Hey strip out the cats, fit a straight through snakehead decat, remap & get another 80bhp+ from it at least. I would love one but in all honesty i would get divorced and couldn't justify throwing that limited car around on the Lanark runs. I hope someone up here gets one for the summer car shows though
  11. I am going to be half way there to above specs by the end of the year anyway, including the colour woo hoo lol Yup when i read only 75 would be made i thought they would go like hotcakes, probably still will thought but i cant justify that kind of money. £39,000 tops
  12. Hey that was going to be my next mod! going green you see
  13. Well that is officially bad news then, cheers
  14. Ok someone must have an 'official' reason behind all this? Anyone even pm!
  15. Well roads are just turning snow/slushy here and already people are driving miss daisy Learn To Drive
  16. Ha ha i could get one of the 'standard' maps with the superb hatch [3 maps as standard] for 'normal' unleaded, one for super dooper unleaded and one for diesel lol
  17. lol editing quotes again i see mr badbaz Still looks the berries tho
  18. Bloody better be as i am sitting with only half a tank right now
  19. Looks like the gull wing the wrc car had fitted to them, nice though & will be looking into that. Back to work now
  20. Asked the rather nice looking girl in shell tonight regarding v power. What can i say? At least she has her looks going for her, as for the rest ..........
  21. Oh dear, glad mine is not a daily commuter, well judging by the backwards manner of most areas of improvement in the local area i could probably guarantee the shell tanks wont be adequate for the regrade in Lanark. Think they are still using tanks constructed outa brick
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