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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. It's ok m8 as it's only a RB5........ knock yourself out
  2. totally with what you said LTD edition cars should no be raped like this, i couldn't give a rats erse if they own the car, distasteful. Car Rapist
  3. Always used Mobile 1 MS 15W/50 5L I would generally use a genuine filter as well
  4. Hiya Enjoy playing with that STi as much as the rest of us
  5. That wouldnt be hard ......... .......... thats what ya get for callin' me 43
  6. Yeah it's not a problem, been done loads of times. Just don't mix up the + & - lol
  7. And if it's not............ your in a world of hurt
  8. Nice one another hatch owner & the car looks a cracker m8 in red
  9. I would have to agree with the folks above, i had a Astra GTE and a Nova GSi & the Nova could snap knicker elastic at 40 yards The best car though would have to be the scooby [ all of them]
  10. Or you could go for a Hatch & have the best of both worlds
  11. The clue was in the nearly part & you are still a cheeky monkey Walked over to the island for first time in years today too, kids had a ball
  12. Yeah baby 9'' & frozen solid ice..... .... real glad i bought that Alpine scooby hat now
  13. Hey Barry its 9 '' m8 [ice] didnt you watch ice road truckers you could take a scooby out there Cathy i was a nearly a teenager you cheeky girl
  14. Exhaust Induction re-map x 3 360/380 dump valve [kid misses his whoosh] power steering mod AST suspension [ mibbies]
  15. All right the fun has gone now but on a different note they will be having curling out at Lanark Loch for the first time in 30 years....... now that brings back sweet memories of a kid running over the frozen Loch
  16. Hi, There is a thread over HERE on SN, bit disappointed that this forum doesn't have the same 'in depth' topics as such. I have been reading this from the start, good topic. Also on here, the yanks seem to have a stronger embrace regarding the hatch than folks over here! You will spend a few hours reading the topics in this forum http://www.iwsti.com/forums/ Hope that helps Del
  17. tried to watch the last season but failed on that part, just not the same when you are half expecting a scooby to appear on the tv & get all excited at the burble good luck to them
  18. Think i only met the chap once and that was at the 22B run, nice guy
  19. Barry grab yur ankles & pray lmao How's the car m8, had it out much?
  20. We have a vast amount of grit on reserve according to our beloved SNP minister Mr Alex Salmond, i can smell........ pooh
  21. That's just crap, why would some ned want to trash a car like that, i hope they get caught & just glad you didnt catch them as you would have been spending a few years in costa- bar-L if you had. Hope you get sorted quickly Del *edit* just seen the photos you posted up......not pretty
  22. ahhh thank you kenny ................. i must be getting old
  23. Hiya, dont worry m8 most scoobies are white just now well apart from the ones cuddling up in a nice central heated garage Welcome aboard
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