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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. No red master key with VW s cars always come [new] with 2 key fobs, i would go to a dealer & get a new key fob, if the other key is not with the sale then no problem as you can remove the access yourself using your other key, i am nearly sure yopu can program the keys to accept the car details yourself!! I could with both the MK4 & MK5 golfs we have owned. Del *Edit* my VW were 2002 [new] onwards
  2. All the best Paul & hope the business does well. Top blokes taking up ther 'RO' spot too
  3. So online gaming aside whats the best platform for actually playing the games wether it be dirt2 of FPS? Reds everyday, ya just canne beat a bit of ginger now n then [past tense of course]
  4. That is just the pits m8, nothing worse than traveling that distance only to be let down, He can't keep your deposit though, that is theft!! Hats off to you for walking away from the deal though as a lot of people wouldnt
  5. Get them to mirror you existing no claims bonus & after a year you want the mirrored no claims to be permanent on the other car, If they wont do it then tell them to pee off and go somewhere else, its a buyers market.
  6. Also open the boot a tad to stop it going smelly if it get damp. You know those really blue sky calm winter days when its bone dry outside? Take it for a good run then just to remind you of the fun to be had in the summer. Just make sure it well locked up buddy & i know where you are coming from with regards to keeping it clean, top bloke
  7. A mate done this FFS!!! do you know why or what he was thinking about when he done this? If thats a mate i would hate to meet your enemies Just so bad & makes it worse, what a fudd
  8. Nice wheels & nice rubber can only mean lots of fun ...looks good need some photos on the car too
  9. Thats just a big pile of poo, hope the little fooker burst a gut when they crashed. Sorry to hear that
  10. Both if needed Craig, if you are in Falkirk m8 give Grieves a call, i think a new front bumper was about £170 ish m8 when i was pricing mine up [RB] a rear should be a lot cheaper so cant hurt to ask & haggle with them Del hope you get sorted though m8 as i know how annoying it is to scrap a car
  11. might be worth just going to the dealers m8, they really dont cost that much and is worth it in the long run, especially with the RB! Del
  12. lmao i just noticed that..................no it's not an Evo Sitting looking at the pictures & thinking ' i never parked there' ha ha Class
  13. Very clean RB Stevie definitely one of the cleaner 320's around. Nice to meet you on Saturday too Del
  14. Thats just poo Jon, no way you can fix Debs with bits from your own? Gutted for you
  15. Looks good, how long did that all take to mask up?
  16. What is the prefered gaming platform & controler set up for this guys?
  17. NNNnnnnnoooooooooooooo its worser
  18. we buy any car we buy any car we buy any car we buy any car we buy any car we buy any car i nearly booted my radio today after that advert came on
  19. DoH!!! i like both nae help at all.......... although i would be steared towards the gold a tiny bit
  20. That looks a cracker Keira cant wait to see it well done
  21. Well that us home folks, Claire & I would like to thank everybody for the lovely comments, texts & well wishes. I will get some more pictures up later. We decided to call him Andrew Alexander. Many thanks folks
  22. After a long wait that seemed to last forever i can proudly show off the latest member off my Family. Wee baby boy born 19/09/09 at 12:48 9.1lbs 56cm so he was a bit of a big boy Not quite figured out a name for the wee yin but will before end of the week Mummy and baby are just fine, very fast delivery, daddy knackered
  23. Thats never good news hope you get it sorted with the least hassle
  24. nope i cant say it..........my fingers are having a fight with my walnut brain. must not type.........arghhh Oh does it come in black
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