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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. bloody hell these brakes not fitted yet Kenny lol
  2. Hi Debs, erm......welcome to the forum girl lol. Dont worry what Jon thinks, we all know you can drive faster LoL that would be fun
  3. I wouldnt $ish on them m8, get mintex 1155 or decent ferodo pads.... those red, green, yellow ,pink, purple, orange n blue pads are rubbish
  4. ............have they fook lol
  5. Ok no that creates a new problem! who's car goes & who drives to the meets? 'I'm taking my car..........no i'm taking mine' lol To hell with it.......... i'm taking the Laguna ha ha
  6. Hiya buddy, must admit that car looks a cracker hope everything goes well
  7. Very nice car folks, looks very tidy.............shame about the flag on the number plate though............ i have a nice shiney nailgun that could sort it for you lol
  8. So................ just tell her that you couldn't find the perfect present here and had to pop off down south for a few hours All because she is so worth it & you love her to bits........... job done
  9. You could have taken those pictures in a polly bag m8 and they would still look good, that is one very nice, tidy & special car you have there
  10. Nice shiney white wheels nice nice........are you trying to blind us all phats GSi lol
  11. AND i go try the car & it starts first time Typical is there anyway around this so i can find out what the problem is?
  12. I will try those ideas guys thanks Barry you may be getting a text later lol
  13. I have a wee problem with my Catalunya, sometimes it wont start! There is plenty juice in the battery so i know thats ok. [and fuel] What happens is the engine wonk crank or turn and i can see the lights on the LCD clock fade whilst the key is turned into start position. I have tried moving the car in gear just in case its a dodgey contact on the starter. It was an intermittent problem that surfaced from day one when i bought the car but recently its getting worse. i tried to start it this week with no luck. Funny thing is when it does start it seems to 'fix' itself for a while or maybe this a coincidence!! I dont know if its the starter, immobiliser or something else. Can someone with brains & experience help me out quickly as i am planning to take the Cat down for the cheque hand over. Willing to pay of course. Pretty please
  14. very nice, looks like its just dripping wet, nice job ..........there are going to be far to many detailed cars about now, i am away to look for a muddy puddle
  15. Did you move the disc and bell with the wheel removed, if so did you refit the wheel nuts to lock the disc back down m8? If not then it will move a bit when the wheel is rremoved as the wheel nuts force it onto the hub whilst driving.
  16. Sexy paint Bobby, looks like a cracker. Nice one buddy
  17. Looks nice Jim, nice wax my man , i will get on the OC when my internet is fixed, say hi to Norm & the guys for me Cathy, I could tie that up with the wains on the gee gees my internet is still fooked [0.01kbps] so wont be on much till its fixed
  18. Equipment & materials used. Flex 3401 vrg machine 3M Perfect-it III™ Extra Fine Compound 3M Perfect-it III™ Ultrafina™ SE Polish Lake country pads DoDo lime prime lite pre wax cleaner DoDo supernatural wax micro fiber cloths Sonus foam applicator pads DoDo shampoo DoDo red mist And vast amounts of elbow grease [not shown]
  19. Sorry for not replying sooner folks but my internet has been very slow for the last few days. Well thanks guys for the comments mucho appreciated thanks m8 oh and i know what you mean especially with the stone chips, brings them out unfortunatelly. when you bringing it down? i know your bootlid is in need of some tlc Hey Jim this is all your fault m8 after seeing the shine on your RB i just couldnt resist doing it myself. most of the gear used is DoDo jucice with the final bling being a pot of SN, i will list it below. Again thank you Barry that fat bloke took years of dedicated attention to get to that stage............or as i would sum it up into one word MARRIAGE ha ha the six pack and the perfectly formed deltoids have long gone As for the clutch you must have broke it when you had a shot as it's still stinking m8 lol. Seriously cheers buddy Guys thank you all again for the praise, i will say to anyone interested in this level of detailing is to read up on the technique involved, as said above detailingworld forum is an aladdins cave full of info. By no means do i call myself an expert now that i had detailed one car, far from it but to be honest with a little planning, thought and the right gear it's not that hard. I have the fortunte of being a 'hands on' sort of guy & worked with a variety of power tools over the years so i think that help me. Start off on a panel that can be fixed easily if it does go fubar, a wing or bonnet. Also start of with the least aggressive pads and chemicals, work your way to heavier compounds and pads if that doesnt remove the swirls/scratches. Please read up and be carefull. Proper washing, 2 bucket method with grit guard to stop or at least miminise adding swirls again. Best advise is to read up on the subject, look at all your options, buy the right equipment and off you go........... Oh just remember though if you do it wrong you will littrely burn through the paint in seconds
  20. Well i thought i would share a few pictures of the auld Catalunya for you thoughts folks, i have started detailing cars on my own after being rather impressed with the shine of a few cars at recent events. I bought the detailing equipment, pads, chemicals and all the waxes to have a bash myself & after a long few hours reading up on the subject i had a go. I tried to do some before and after pictures of the paint work as i went along, quite suprised at how bad the paint was First picture is of the boot with the spoiler removed, as you can see pretty nasty with the light behind!! Second picture, first pass with the polisher, not bad. First one here is the rear quater panel, again looks like pooh. Second picture is a bit different. Drivers door next.......... hangs head in shame. Looking a bit better. Took the car out for a couple of pictures after i had finished. I can not believe how much of the red fleck shines through now. So i am quite happy. And some fat bloke got in the way on the last shot So now thats done i will get stuck into the RB, but not the now as it takes bloody ages to do right, in the end it is worth it though. Just dont wont to get it dirty now oh and wont be on much just now until i get my internet sorted, slower than dial up........ i noticed a post about a hawaii shirt too **edit**I cant even copy paste now
  21. Listen m8 no need to cry, i know the death of Michael Jackson has hurt a few people but try not get confussed about what forum you are on!! Yes there are a few 'keyboard heros' on the internet hiding behind their little microsoft keyboards. Not met anyone with a plastic face on here yet, a few of the guys are pure fugly gits [like myself] apart from that! Best of luck with your idea, talk to your RO though, thats what they are here for to funnel the great ideas into a plan.
  22. Are we doing anything with the cars this time for a photo shoot? probably not eh?
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