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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. Tossars i hope you find all your property m8, some people just need electricuted
  2. I was hearing people were pouring brake fluid over cars in certain areas over my end of the world. Getting your car scratched is nasty work and not deserved
  3. Already been on buddy http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130158&hl=
  4. Keyboard heros.... the world is full of them!! Glad the wain is ok, that takes prority
  5. He will be in the seg......... unfortunatelly
  6. Waved at a few today, seemed more like 1 in 9 that wave back today. It's the blank glum faced who the f*** is that waving at me stare that cracks me up!!! Answer to original question, i wave everytime
  7. got 2 235/40/18 m8 but no 17 buddy sorry
  8. Flocking hell m8 do you really think we would do a flocking thing like that? Sorry just being a kids. Noticed this place sells them here Aberdeen? i thought it was only people from Forth that looked after their sheep like that
  9. Here is another one A F Noble. A F Noble
  10. Very nice car buddy & welcome to the mad house. Nice colour
  11. Come on not another what the hell are peoples problems? thicko's or wit? Feel for you as i sure as hell wouldnt want that to happen
  12. Well done guys, hope mum & the wain are doing great. Best thing ever kids so much joy from such a small bundle. All the best for the future
  13. Looks sparkling m8, i like the gold wheels too much better than the silver as said above adds a touch of colour
  14. Thanks guys for the nice comments very much appreciated Waited a lonnnnnnng time for one and yes black is da best colour Thanks again
  15. We about a month ago i treated myself to a new car, don't get me wrong there is nothing up with the Catalunya in fact i still have it tucked away safe, it's just that i have always had my heart on a black Hawkeye sti scooby from day one. Well i got one and i am chuffed to bits. Pics below, excuse the quality as taken from nokia, once the weather is better & i can get out i will take better quality pics
  16. Barstewards the lota them, they all need a good kicking, legs broken, shot & a host of other nasties.
  17. Bloody hell..... judging by the size of that hole in the glass it must have been half a brick....... talking of bricks i bet you laid a few when it hit!! You are just bang outa luck with that one
  18. Gits......... not fair at all, dont suppose the place had cameras up per chance? feel for you buddy
  19. I'm sure someone local will be along shortly buddy, one thing is for sure once you get the burble in your blood there is no going back def get an STI over a WRX tho if you can
  20. Try the ht leads and make sure they are pushed on right m8, sounds something simple as a ignition misfire
  21. I think it should be m8, it was on my VW they changed the four of them after a few hee n haws. Let us know how you get on.
  22. Very nice buddy, black is by far the best colour. Is that the back road to EK per chance?
  23. Why don't they just fix the roads properly the first time? Surely it would save them a small fortune in the long run!!
  24. Are you not a little young to be driving such a big car!!! Ok i thought it was funny Car sounds and looks the biz m8
  25. Hey get it right m8 its a ''green tax'' lol nothing to do with the roads...........right. Phone the council that is responsible for that area and tell them to send out a claim form, take pictures of the damage and the cause IE the bloody big 'ole in the road. you will get your money back after you repair it
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