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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. Ordered mine toady as a sharp reminder of how i could only go as far as Blackpool Looks awsome chaps
  2. How about Lanark? that way i can get extra sleep time in ma bed Peebles sounds good
  3. Yup very nice guy mr squiggle.............. just dont try and pinch his prodrive cap
  4. £289 fully comp with Privilege insurance on my classic........but i am an auld git Sometimes the performance dedicated insurance companies are not the best deal, i find that a lot!!
  5. Nice buddy, i just love the way a good classic looks. Very tidy car Edit* typo
  6. Sounds like something the wife would do......... but OMG thick or what?
  7. Nope i didnt know m8, thanks for the heads up. good call
  8. Bugga!! they chose a nice day for a drive in Scotland lol Does anyone know where about they are going or present location? Looking on the brightside it's a nice day tomorrow
  9. http://www2.pizzahutoffers.co.uk/edi2/ above link for 50% off at pizza hut. took the wife n kids to Hamilton last night so i know it works 4 days left so hurry folks
  10. Looks good Imy i hope people dig deep & bid loads, i wouldnt mind a few of those items
  11. Gorgeous m8, very very nice. And yes black is 'the' best colour
  12. Thieves should be hung imo. Hope he gets it back
  13. Get a tin of John West pink salmon & feed it for a few days, make friends with it, trusting friends. Get a box a thick cardboard box and put the pink salmon in the box..........you see where i am going
  14. Nope not seen that car around Lanark either, very distinctive too
  15. Yup as spaceman said, calipers
  16. That is a lovely car..............if i win the lottery
  17. The McRae Gathering Team - Grant, Imy and Andy Without a shadow of a doubt in my mind the forementioned peeps should be given an award, in fact some kind of special icon on these forums for the hard work and accomplishments they have achieved. Edit, missed oot the names!
  18. not seen many that colour m8 Glad to have one back then eh?
  19. Yeah no luck even from the dealer, just have to wait on the postie now. Thanks Gus
  20. Well i had a little problem with my brakes on the Cat! my m8 told me ''ah it's ok standard Scooby brakes are ****e anyway, thats why most people upgade' He had a point, until i noticed my 2 pot calipers were running on 1 pot, that would explain the white knuckle ride into the corners. When i removed my brake pads they looked like a slice of cheese wedge shaped. I got a hold of new 4 pot subaru callipers but i need the pins to hold the pads in [important ] the antirattle springs oh and bigger discs 294mm. Does anyone know locally where i can get my hands on all or most of the parts tomorrow / saturday? I know its a bit short notice but any pointers would be good Thanks
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