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Everything posted by StrikE

  1. It's snowing outside on the 1st of Dec woo hoo happy days Big kid at heart
  2. I can get my 3 kids in the back no problem 2 x isofix and my daughter in the middle with a 3 point harness same as the front seats
  3. If you are buying a 'hot hatch' why not go for a hatch subaru m8? You wont get the build quality of the German car [no subaru will] but you will be amazed at how good they are. I have had a mk5 golf when they first came out so not just being biased towards the Subaru. With a slight exhaust modification the burble is still there & its got more power than the R32....... lots more for those emergency times when you need it
  4. Spoiler on for me m8 car just looks 'naked' without it
  5. Don't know why i bother really 2 free spaces folks 1. McTwist 2. Mrs McTwist 3. Greersport 4. Mrs Greersport 5. Meercat Exhaust 6. Mrs Meercat 7. Grant 8. Imy 9. Terzo neil 10. Badbaz 11. Mrs Badbaz 12. STI Pretender 13. Mrs STI Pretender 14. Ally-b 15. wrx kenny 16.wrx kenny + nic 17. jimser 18. caitlin 19. gary d 20. leslie 21. yellow craig 22. louise 23. Ed-209 24. kennyuk300 25.Mrs kennyuk300 26. JamesM 27. MrsM 28. Des 29. Maz 30. empty heed 31. empty heeds friend 32. big bob 33. mrs big bob 34. Ace_tingtong 35. Ms Tong 36. Midnight21 37. 38. 39. John St (will need to confirm) 40. Kebab Nemesis 41. Mrs. Kebab 42. scooby222 43. ms 222 44. jongleurs 45. Burgy_51 46. Mrs Burgy_51_ 47. thefastone 48. Fasty's Missus 49. marky.t.s 50. JohnnyR6 51. The BossR6 52. Playsafely 53. Mrs Playsatan. 54) lostboy 55) mrs lost Reserve List! Burgy_51_ brother Burgy_51_ Sister inlaw
  6. Dont forget to fill the engine bay with mouse traps as well, hope you catch the little scroat before it eats something important m8
  7. Bah........ this is the Subaru Impreza Drivers Club ha I dont care what you say When the 'hatch' first came out i was one of the first to call it the 'japseye' but once you actually get behind the wheel and drive the car you will feel different, i did! As for the saloon/wagon to hatch debate isn't the wagon a hatch anyway? [single opening boot with a big glass window] We should all be driving around in Classics then until they rust away Still doesnt take away the fact that the 216a is a nice car
  8. Must admit is looks like a very nice coupe....... but it's not an Impreza is it? Thats the same idea of everyone running a Audi A4 then going out to buy a TT Might as well go buy a Tribeca or Legacy, why not it's a Subaru!
  9. The person is obviously a rouge and local up here too, the detail of that are within the links to a separate website separate from sidc! This is only one other forum but you get the picture, reading the topics reveal at least 10 other companies all with the same postcode & not just car parts. If i had handed over money and not had any goods or refunds then i would be a chapping his door flat4online 1 flat4online 2 flat4online 3 flat4online 4 flat4online 5 flat4online 6 flat4online 7
  10. They are at it looking for a further charge of £80, as if the £135 wasn't enough. i believe the £80 charge is to test the unit after it's fitted 10 years plus, a purely optional charge you certain have no need to pay for tracker cover. Everyones a robber
  11. Christmas 'adverts' on the tranny in October ffs keep christmas special & leave it till at least mid Nov Junkies 2 faced gits, especially when other people talk about it up and let slip! Women driver ha ha ha Bus drivers & bus lanes in edin Taxi's kermit the frog only 7 days in a week when i need 9 hawaiian shirts Tommy Sheridan trying to ban air rifles That complete muppet Alistair Darling, thanks for my road tax, idiot
  12. What about adding a part for 'the hatch' folks for the converted types
  13. Well seen a few weird things but this is mental? Ken block snow mobile
  14. Barstewards of the lowest scum, i would do the same with their faces & bash their helmets with a hammer
  15. Dont mind smokers, if they want to turn their lungs into grey mush..... so be it, i see the results of smoking every day!!! I do strongly detest breathing second hand smoke, if i can smell it, i am breathing it!!! Last 3 weeks and 3 different jobs i have worked in peoples houses that smoked. week 1 had one smoker [heavy] week 2 had one smoker [heavy] week 3 both smoked [chain smokers] that bad their lips were orange ffs Should make smoking illegal period!!!
  16. LOL just in the mood for a moan Top Class Topic IMO
  17. People that smoke. People that let others breath said smoke. People that smoke in a car full of kids [with or without windows up/down]. Pedestrians that press the button at a crossing then just cross the road anyway! Motorists that race up the motorway & cut you up for the sake of a few spaces. Smokers. Fuel prices. Road Tax prices. Liars. 2 Faced people that talk behind your back. SLOW drivers 40 in a 60 brigade that brake for EVERY CORNER!! Potholes. Smokers. Bunnets. Hatch exhausts Idiots that drive with spotlights on!! Speed Cameras. Dour faced folk. Smokers
  18. 1. McTwist 2. Mrs McTwist 3. Greersport 4. Mrs Greersport 5. Meercat Exhaust 6. Mrs Meercat 7. Grant 8. Imy 9. Terzo neil 10. Badbaz 11. Mrs Badbaz 12. STI Pretender 13. Mrs STI Pretender 14. Ally-b 15. wrx kenny 16.wrx kenny + nic 17. jimser 18. caitlin 19. gary d 20. leslie 21. yellow craig 22. louise 23. Ed-209 24. kennyuk300 25.Mrs kennyuk300 26. JamesM 27. MrsM 28. Des 29. Maz 30. empty heed 31. empty heeds friend 32. big bob 33. mrs big bob 34. Ace_tingtong 35. Ms Tong 36. Midnight21 37. StrikE 38. Mrs StrikE might as well ginx it the noo
  19. Yup same here when i got home, Cathy got a lot of coverage cheesin'
  20. I went from a RB320 over to a STI hatch and can honestly say.........wow!! I am by no means easy pleased & a perfectionist at heart and i am more than happy with the STI Hatch, even standard!!! wider track, longer wheel base, better interia & more practical [for me] Go buy one, it's the way forward IMHO
  21. Nice rims m8 & car looks gleeeeeeming, just makes it more fun when you do get home Del
  22. Ya man, that may change next year! I am saving the environment you hooligan
  23. Very happy with the new owner as i know Cathy with cherish the old girl, the Cat means a lot to me and always will & the way i see it i can see her again at club meets so not too painfull......just now Big congrats to Cathy 2 scoobs I am not even going to justify your cheek with a reply ya numpty
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