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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. Looks fantastic Stu and the rim protectors look a lot better on than I thought they would - could be tempted!
  2. Oh my bl00dy god! Whatever happened? As said above hope your friend is going to sort it all out for you.
  3. I've got quite a few busy weeks at the end of June/beginning of July - blame my kids! Will sort out a new date soon
  4. Ok guys I've had to postpone this due to it being Fathers Day and people having commitments - new date will be posted soon. Sorry to disappoint anyone who had already put their name down. Cheers, Rach
  5. Shocking isn't it? It's been like that for well over a year. God only knows how much it's costing!
  6. That's top quality work for Bedfordshire I'll have you know Stu!
  7. Meeting places will be confirmed once attendees are known. I think I may have to postpone this to a later date due to a lot of people not being able to attend as it is on fathers day (which I had forgotten about - oops ). However I'm going to give it til the end of the week and see how much interest there is before anything is confirmed.
  8. Hi guys, It's time for the next Bedfordshire Scoobies meet and this time we're going to venture outside the confines of the county! The plan is for us all to have a lovely day out in sunny Great Yarmouth on so dig out your sunglasses, shorts and your kiss me quick hats and come along and join us for a fun day out! Times and meeting points will be arranged nearer the time. Cheers, Rach 1. Little Green Goblin 2. Woodcote
  9. And again. Guys please just take 5 minutes to have a look at this survey, we need as much input as possible. Thanks, Rach
  10. Good news that it was recovered so quickly - hope the damage is not too bad
  11. Managed to do this in my others halfs R the other week, I nearly went into melt down because I thought I'd broken something! Easy mistake to make though.
  12. I'm sure this was AiryFairy's old scoob - she sold it at the end of last year.
  13. Usually they were held every month, but due to dwindling numbers I decided to scale them back to bi-monthly so the next one will be in June, HOWEVER when numbers start to pick up again I'm more than happy to hold them monthly again.
  14. Welcome to the forum, we don't have a Herts Regional Organiser at the mo but you're more than welcome to pop along to our Bedfordshire meets. Keep an eye out here in the East Anglian section for details of our next one. Cheers, Rach
  15. Bit late I know But just wanted to say a big thanks to Big D for arranging the day and even though I spent most of the day sitting in the car to avoid the wind & rain I still had a very enjoyable time. See you all soon, Rach
  16. Scoobyparts offer a discount when you quote your SIDC membership number, Tim is a top guy - really helpful and a fellow scooby owner too
  17. Who us sweet and innocent RO's? Never!!!!!!
  18. NNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! You're welcome along to the meets whenever you want mate, you're still part of Bedfordshire scoobies
  19. I think I may be partly responsible for this......................sorry!
  20. I can't bloody wait til the next Oxon photoshoot - I want to see you boys all decked out in your new attire
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