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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. Andy, We loved every minute of it, it was a pleasure so much infact.............................ANY ONE NEED A PROFESSIONAL ROLLING ROAD DAY ORGANISER? Glad the brew was to your taste.................I have to admit I got Nige to make it, I make great coffee but shocking tea!
  2. Wicked pics Ben, LOVE the one of Ruby and the R side by side
  3. Excellent pics, cheers for everything Rach
  4. The guys (and girl )that took part... with some pics from the breakfast and lunch breaks And now the bit you've been waiting for ...
  5. Guys, It was an absolute pleasure, I want to say a big thank you all for turning up and making it such a fantastic day, it was the first time I'd organised something along these lines and at the risk of sounding like I'm bigging myself up I was REALLY pleased with how the day turned out. Even BIGGER thanks of course goes to Paul and Andy - without these guys we wouldn't have had a rolling road day oh and of course Nige (woodcote) for being my chief record keeper for the day, putting up with my stresses while I've been organising the day and for generally just being him! Cheers, Rach
  6. Thanks guys, it was an absolutely fantastic day and a big thanks to all of you who attended. We're just sorting through our pics now and will get them up on here soon
  7. Hi Guys, Important information for those of you who only think of their tummies (and fuel tanks Rick ) I've just received notification from Liz at Zen that: "the BBQ is out of action, there will however be sausage rolls, veggie/cheese pastry alternatives and spring rolls for the lunchbreak. Tea, coffee and hot choc sorted. Vending machine has been restocked". If any of you are desperate for something hot to eat there is a McDonalds literally a 5 - 10 minutes drive away. sorry for the late notice but I have only just had chance to check my emails. See you all tomorrow! Cheers, Rach
  8. Ours weren't just grubby Ian, they were downright filthy so they would have been washed whether tomorrow was happening or not. Roll on the summer and some (hopefully) dry roads
  9. Well I think he'd prefer washing the cars to having to wade his way through the mountain of ironing I'm doing - boring!!!! Never mind, these things have to be done if we're going to have a fun day out tomorrow
  10. Times: 09.30 Phildodd06 09.50 Ace 10.10 Tied Old dad 10.30 Van Diesel 10.50 DaOne 11.10 leesta 11.30 WhisperUk 11.50 stevie1982 12.10 stevehf2 12.40 Wayne LUNCH BREAK 01.30 Smoove Mike 01.50 fingers 02.10 Paul x 1 02.30 Paul x 1 02.50 little green goblin 03.10 woodcote Guys can I just reiterate these times are NOT set in stone, if you're running a bit late we will be able to accomodate you so please don't get yourself a speeding ticket just to get there on time, we will get you on the rollers at some point. Cheers, Rach
  11. 1. Little Green Goblin - 03 WRX with PPP (looked after by Zen) 2. Woodcote - STi Type R version 5 (engine rebuilt by Zen) 3. Tied old Dad - WRX (looked after by Zen) 4. Ace - MY03 STi (mapped by Subaru) 5. Van Diesel - MY00 Turbo (mapped by Zen) 6. fingers 7. DaOne (mapped by paul) 8. Smoove Mike 9. stevie1982 (mapped by bob rawle) 10. Leesta 11. stevehf2 '96 STi 12. Phildodd06 STI Type R version 5 13. Paul 1 x 330bhp 14. Paul 1 x 500bhp 15. Wayne 02 STi PPP 16. WhisperUk Possibles 1. Decorator man at Scoobyparts on Saturday 6th Feb 2. STI Mav - Hawkeye STI with PPP 3. Mr TC - 09 Focus RS 4. Paul 1 x 600bhp 5. Paul 1 x 600bhp Spectators 1. Bockett (possible) 2. Rick N 3. Scooby Ian 4. stum450n 5. STIWALDING
  12. What's the matter with you man? It's only a bit of rain! I've got Nige outside washing all the cars right now!!! No, in all seriousness now, if you can't make it Ben no worries, but it would be nice to catch up if you can. Cheers, Rach
  13. Steve, Don't worry mate I can always fit you into a later slot, I haven't booked mine or Woodcote's slot yet as we were letting you guys have the times you wanted and we're going to fit in wherever we can, so I can always put our scoobs on in your places or move one of the afternoon guys forward. These times aren't "set in stone" it was done to prevent people having to hang around for hours (unless they want to of course ). Hope this puts your mind at ease, whatever you do don't go hell for leather just to try and make 12 o'clock! See you tomorrow, Rach
  14. Perfect mate, I wanted to get you on as early as possible as I know you're going on to Santa Pod afterwards. See you tomorrow
  15. Thanks mate, I'm sure I've covered all bases but you know what it's like when you're trying to organise something like this , you spend half your time thinking "have I forgotten something"? I've honestly had genuine nightmares about it this week, one of them nobody turned up and there was me, Paul and Nige twiddling our thumbs and the other one me and Nige didn't turn up! Once tomorrow comes it'll be a case of just getting on with it and enjoying it, until that time I'm still going round in circles!
  16. I've nearly lost the plot a couple of times organising the number we have, another 15 would finish me off!
  17. Times: 09.30 Phildodd06 09.50 Ace 10.10 Tied Old dad 10.30 Van Diesel 10.50 DaOne 11.10 leesta 11.30 WhisperUk 11.50 stevie1982 12.10 stevehf2 12.40 Wayne LUNCH BREAK 01.30 Smoove Mike 01.50 fingers 02.10 trevorjwood 02.30 02.50 03.10 03.30
  18. 1. Little Green Goblin - 03 WRX with PPP (looked after by Zen) 2. Woodcote - STi Type R version 5 (engine rebuilt by Zen) 3. Tied old Dad - WRX (looked after by Zen) 4. Ace - MY03 STi (mapped by Subaru) 5. Van Diesel - MY00 Turbo (mapped by Zen) 6. fingers 7. DaOne (mapped by paul) 8. Smoove Mike 9. stevie1982 (mapped by bob rawle) 10. Leesta 11. stevehf2 '96 STi 12. Phildodd06 STI Type R version 5 13. Paul 1 x 330bhp 14. Paul 1 x 500bhp 15. Wayne 02 STi PPP 16. WhisperUk 17. trevorjwood Possibles 1. Decorator man at Scoobyparts on Saturday 6th Feb 2. STI Mav - Hawkeye STI with PPP 3. Mr TC - 09 Focus RS 4. Paul 1 x 600bhp 5. Paul 1 x 600bhp Spectators 1. Frenchy 2. Bockett (possible) 3. Rick N 4. Scooby Ian 5. stum450n 6. STIWALDING
  19. Ha ha!!!!! You're not getting away with it that easily, your name is now on the list! Rach
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