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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. My pleasure Imy, it was good to catch up with you. I even walked all the way back and didn't give in to the temptation of the tractor taxis - I made sure I had an icecream before I set off down the hill though
  2. is sad to hear my old scooby is being scrapped - farewell LGG :-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stum450n
    3. t5nyw


      RIP ;)A sad loss but had a good innings :D

    4. t5nyw


      RIP ;)A sad loss but had a good innings :D

  3. Stu if you need any help with the organisation just give me a shout
  4. Stu, Joe flies out to Borneo on the 16th VERY early in the morning so I'm going to be pretty pooped (got to be at the school at 3.30AM for bag checks and then onto Heathrow) but I would like to take part in this if possible - can you let me know details once confirmed and I'll see if I can fit some sleep in between? Cheers mate
  5. I can't make the weekend of 16/17th but if it changes I may well join you guys
  6. Well if we're talking about childhood drinks it had to be Corona Cherryade (now I am showing my age lol).
  7. Only a couple of days left to buys your tickets guys, sales in the shop close on 2nd June.
  8. Excellent! We took both of my kids and some of their mates to the prom in our scoobs last year - even the stuffy old headmaster remarked "nice cars!" Unfortunately there were no awards, perhaps I should suggest that for the 6th form prom next year
  9. Existing posts for East Anglia are in South East England
  10. Hi All, After a couple of show seasons away from Santa Pod I'm pleased to inform you all that SIDC are returning for the Japshow! We have previously always managed to have a really good attendance here and have won best car club stand on more than one occasion. It would be really good if we could carry on where we left off and show all the others that SIDC are STILL the number one national Subaru club If you are interested in attending please see Details here Hope to see you there guys, Rach
  11. Japshow, Santa Pod
  12. V-Power gets my vote too, use it in both our classic & newage.
  13. Aww, he's very cute, congratulations
  14. Early part of April should be fine - I'm sure Stu will correct this if I'm wrong. Ooh and if you supply cake I'll even write it for you
  15. What Stu really means Matty is getting some pics up here and then get them sent over to us for the TG article! Seriously though, have fun this afternoon
  16. Clay bars are absolutely fantastic, the paintwork will feel as smooth as silk after using one and once you've waxed the car you'll achieve a shine like you never have before
  17. A deputy editors work is never done! lol

  18. We did used to hold Bedfordshire meets every month but numbers dwindled so we pulled the plug until we can build up Beds numbers again,
  19. As a member if you buy your ticket(s) from the shop you'll also get a pass to park on our stand away from all the "door dingers".
  20. We won't be at the Fast Show but will be at the Japshow this year
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