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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. I'll have some with me at the meets too.
  2. Mirrors doubling up as a beer fridge, now there's an idea!
  3. Guys can you all make sure you have sent your details over to Nick (nick@sidc.co.uk) then we can keep you up to date of all upcoming events etc. Cheers, Rach.
  4. Guess as joint RO for the Midlands I should really have my name down in here lol 1 - Goofy (Nick)- Stratford 2 - Warrior08 (Mark)- Sheffield (North MIDLANDS)lol 3 - Ross0787 4 - Smiffy852 - Desborough 5 - lotusodc 6 - scoobyjoff 7 - Cubic - Coventry 8 - Kad 16v - Hereford 9 - Buttons (Barney) - Stratford 10 - Matty WR1 - Burford 11 - ScoobieFloz - Nottingham 12 - salsa-king - Nottingham 13 - Scoobi-Sean - Northampton 14 - wess - hereford 15 - scoobro - Notts 16 - S14DGG - Derby 17- Smarts - worcester 18 - Little Vodka Goblin - Lincoln
  5. Both comments are still showing - I've just checked
  6. Whoop whoop - you can come and see the house too hunny
  7. We have another month to go yet and in fairness it is the first one so not expecting anything major - we'll just build it up bit by bit
  8. This is pretty much the route planned so far Peak district run The run will finish at the Ladybower Inn but then there is the option of carrying onto Nick's place for some pub grub
  9. Not a problem mate, I'll be posting up the route in the next couple of weeks so you can see then if you think it's manageable
  10. 1. Little Green Goblin 2. Goofy 3. Bakerzone 4. ScoobieFloz 5. Nick78 6. Scoobyjoff 7. ScoobyJosh 8. Starsky5379 9. Dave1965 (possible) 10.
  11. Hiya Keep an eye on the Midlands calendar for upcoming events, Nick (Goofy) and I are updating it on a regular basis Midland calendar link
  12. We've gone a little bit plane mad on here haven't we? Think perhaps we should organise a trip to one of the Airshows next year - most of them have car displays so we wouldn't have to park with the door dingers
  13. Yeah fair point but they are amazing to watch, I saw them at Goodwood last year - it was just a couple of weeks before the first fatality, so very sad
  14. Yeah but I've got Scampton with the Red Arrows - hard pushed to top them But to be fair it could be fun . . . . .
  15. 1. Little Vodka Goblin 2. Scoobyjosh 3. Scoobro 4. Scoobyjoff 5. 6. 7. 8.
  16. Ah he doesn't pipe up that often Don, he's too scared of me really
  17. Might be hard pushed at Waddington as they have an airshow that day
  18. 1. Little Green Goblin 2. Goofy 3. Bakerzone 4. ScoobieFloz 5. Nick78 6. Scoobyjoff 7. ScoobyJosh 8. Starsky5379 9. 10. Let's keep the list growing guys and girls - it's going to be a cracking day
  19. Excellent, look forward to seeing you there.
  20. Don't you encourage him, he's bad enough as it is!
  21. Oh look who has decided to make an appearance!!!!!
  22. Well quality is more important than quantity!
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