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Everything posted by patsy

  1. Will do. Within the next couple of days..... Should be able to beat that price!
  2. I had a pair of these up front when I first got my motor nearly 3 years ago, I had nothing to compare them too before hand. They seemed to work ok though. After about a year they were due for a change as the grooves were pretty worn away, maybe due to using yellow stuff pads? Ryan
  3. Yeah thats the ones, for holding the pads. £6.66 each!!!! Maybe a 4" nail with a hole drilled in the end would work. lol. Stainless efforts would be good from somewhere, no rust to contend with. I might try a few factors tomorrow, like Dingbro etc. Thanks
  4. Does he do Geometry? I've got a few wee bits heading my way from him, but forgot to ask if he does geometry after I fit my parts. If not, where should I go. Edinburgh area. What sort of cost am I looking at?
  5. Has anyone bought a new set of these for the front 4 pots before? Where from and cost? Mine are very rusty, look beyond a clean up this time. Cheers
  6. When I done my exhaust system, I wrapped headers, up-pipe and down pipe. I wrapped the down pipe from top to bottom. Anything else behind the down pipe was left unwrapped. Hope this helps. Someone with more knowledge may be able to confirm if correct...
  7. That would be great, I'm on 45/17's.
  8. Thanks, for the advice chaps.
  9. I'm in the middle of stripping my oe suspension to make room for my new bc coilovers. I'm after someone to suggest what height I should be setting them at. As in a size from wheel centre to wheel arch! My car is a new age wrx wagon. I hope someone understands what I'm meaning! Ta
  10. I want to order a set of these for my 2002 wrx wagoon. But I'm not sure which ones suit my chssis type, being 'GGA' and not on bc's site! Just want someone to point me in the right direction please.
  11. My 2002 wrx wagon has been crunching into 4th gear for the last 6-7 months. If about town speeds or changing very gently it's ok, but coming up a slip road or overtaking etc. it's rather bad sounding. Anyone in the car that does'nt know it's the syncro thinks something major has just broke! I'm not looking for a brand new six speed or anything, just a healthier secondhand box. Can anyone help shed some light on these querys? Which other gearboxes will fit my car? Are sti ones stronger if they'd fit? Rough secondhand prices? My car is running 320/330. My tranny code just now is TY54VN2AA Ta
  12. Thanks for that. I'll hopefully be starting her once a fortnight. Ryan
  13. Due to recent job loss and stuff I've had to 'sorn' my pride and joy! Are there any tips or things I should be doing for leaving her idle for a few months? While she's off the road I intend to save some cash hopefully and treat her to some bc coilovers and new discs/pads. Can I get these coilovers to suit a 2002 wrx wagon? Cheers
  14. I've had mine laying in my Dads shed for 2 years now. Always intended to bolt it back up likes, but never done it! After a year or so and my heat wrap on the dp still looks ok too..... so don't worry about it me thinks.
  15. Yes still in the joinery for the mo.
  16. Blue wagon (newage). A handful of changes from standard. Heading to Mr. Forrests again next week to have her re- remapped for a new turbo I've fitted!
  17. Na. Not at ford. Your other uncle.(Built you parents wee porch thingy years back) Your old man will know my old man. They worked together at Ford. My old man is'ney their now though. Ryan
  18. Alright. I'm just 5 minutes up the road from you. Seen your motor sitting outside your Mam and Dads a few times. I served my time with your uncle too!!!
  19. Yeah mate. Pictures show a flex joint at the up pipe! Thats what I'm not sure of. I've had an up pipe with flex joint before and it blew up and fecked my turbo!
  20. Has anyone used or heard of 'xs power' headers, with up pipe? Wondering if they're worth buying or worth steering clear of!!!!! Thanks Ryan
  21. Need a new turbo. Mine is goosed. 2002 WRX. Td04 is packed up, looking for the same or an upgraded unit. Like VF34/35 upgrade. I need something asap Does anyone have or know someone who has something available secondhand? Thanks
  22. I'll try looking to see if the turbos seized. I'm running the standard dv. Getting a friend of a friend to look at her on Wednesday night. (subaru mechanic). Secretly hoping the turbo needs changed, the girlfriend doesn't need to know its a bigger one going in place. Does she? Cheers
  23. Not sure how to do that. My car's an 02 blob. Do I disconnect the battery for a little bit or what?
  24. At least he was still getting a bit boost. I've got zero turbo input!
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