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Everything posted by patsy

  1. I'll check all those things this afternoon. I've spoke to Steve W. This morning and he was going to speak to you tomorrow at kh. I'm heading up there tomorrow also, so I'll nip both your heads for for a wee bit up there! Thanks Andy. Ryan
  2. When driving the other night at about 70 ish. My CEL started flashing and when I backed of the throttle it stopped flashing after about 20 seconds. Then a few miles later when giving her a bit boost in 4th gear it started flasing again and went out after a mile or so. Same again when I used mediem to high revs, flashed and then stayed on for the remaining 20 miles of my drive home. Put my code reader on it today and it come up with no errors! Forgot to mention, motors a 2002 bug. Does someone know what this means? Cheers Ryan
  3. Yip. Fingers crossed that they're true to their word. I'll be in touch about that meet lol.....
  4. Well, seems like my persistance has paid off. Nearly!! After all my attempts of contacting this guy a few times each day. I gave up and was planning on a trip down Sunday/Monday to surprise him with a friendly visit. Found a source that lives local to Scooby Donors and found out from them that they're closed just now and back tomorrow from a wedding abroad, so that's why I thought Monday. Wouldn't have wanted to drive all the way down and arrived at a closed garage! But...... As of 5 minutes ago, a strange number called me and spraffed some rubbish about a major mix up and my parts were sent to the wrong address and they've just arrived back to them.... Bla, bla, bla. They're getting posted tomorrow with special delivery and I've been assured I'll get a tracking id tomorrow morning. Got all their apologies and that, but I'm not buying their story. I think my voicemail regarding I was contemplating a drive down, made them re think? Or they've maybe been seen the post about them on here or snet? Any how, I'll await my parcel on Saturday morning and I'll let you all know if it arrives. Ryan.
  5. could meet you this afternoon. I'm out and about. Got a wee code reader that can read and erase errors. Ryan
  6. It was calipers I bought. Was like a month ago now, with all the string me along stories I was told. I'm thinking they'll be long gone to some other buyer now. So trying to get my money back so I can buy another set is my thoughts just now. As much as I'd like to go down and turn his garage into a scrap yard for him. I will resist, job related and hobby related reasons would be screwed if I got as much as a sniff of a charge or criminal record. Got a couple places to try for advice tomorrow on my day off. If I don't get any futher with them, then a drive down may well be on the cards....
  7. Very tempted for that kind of fix. But a 600+ mile round trip and probably end up without my money or my second hand calipers, but have a criminal record for my efforts! Would feel better than I do now though. Nightmare. Don't know to be honest?
  8. Got all bits and bobs of paper work togehther. Like the original advert and the 'seller accepted your offer' messages etc, printed out any emails and text messgaes I had regarding this matter and took it to my local police station. Spent an hout and a half explaining things to 2 officers and not really got any further to be honest. I've checked all names and sddress that I can regarding this guy and his garage. It doesn't seem like they're trying to hide anything that much, on the noters role and addresses match names etc. So it looks like they're just trying to bumped me because I stay 300 miles away from they maybe? Police can't really do "anything" as they say that there's not an actual crime been committed?? They did help quite a bit and gave me the local police force to where this guys lives number, but I've to do more digging myself. More of a civil matter I was told..... My bank didn't really want to know, they checked the money went out and in and then basically told me after it left my account that's that, not their problem. Also found a scoobynet and P1oc member that's been had by this guy, last November. For something like 180 quid for a bonnet. Seems that it was Jake Bettles that bumped him through as scoobynet sale. But he also trades under a different name on ebay and so on. The 'vixgorman' ebay username is Steven Bettles partners account. So they have various places and names they trade under. Think I'll need to go to citizen's advice and find out what to do regards the smalll claims court and all that side of things. As I've not got a clue where to start! Ryan
  9. I sent him a picture of my MAF, seems to be different. So you might have the answer there Midnight21. Cheers Ryan
  10. I have a 2002 bugeye, is that maf the same as your's? I could meet you some where and you could plug it up to your car to see if it works? Not sure if the mafs are the same with these MY though? Ryan
  11. Been to the bank this afternoon. They can't help either. Because it was a payment from my account to his account, after it's left my account, they can't do anything aout it. So police with all my details of the purchase it is. But that flagged for fraud idea sounds like it would be a nice pay back. Ryan
  12. Will do thanks very much. Address might come in handy!! Musty be his brother Steven Bettles that I dealt with. Police staion is getting a visit this afternoon... Has anyone had to do similar? Cheers guys Ryan
  13. Yeah noticed that. Need someone to say they want to have a look at it and then get his details.....
  14. Tried the other number trick, a few times over the last 4 weeks. Doesn't seem to answer any calls that he doesn't know. Just a few rings and then voice mail. Going to try getting a few friends from Inverness or Wales to contact him through ebay regarding what ever items he has for sale and try to see if they can get his home or garage address. Think I'll need to speak to the police or trade and satndards etc. See how I go about getting mt money.
  15. His feedback was 98 point something iirc? Bit lower no though, 97 odd. I opened a case with ebay and they give the seller 10 days to work things out and reply, no replies within that period and then ebay take it into there hands and he never even replied at that stage. So after a fortnight of waiting ebay send me a email saying that they can't help any further. Because I used bank transfer as payment, they knew that from the start and could have told they were going to be no help getting my money or parts!
  16. His ebay username is- vixgorman. Think he's from Wolverhampten sort of area? Steven is his first name. Not sure if I can post his full name, can I? Ryan
  17. Long story/moan ......Bought some second hand parts for my car on ebay. Paid in to the sellers account with a transfer from mine. Took a few days until he said it showed in his account. He said the parts were wrapped ready to go, fine I thought. Day or so later he says they've been posted via parcel force 48hr delivery. I asked for a tracking id and got some story that his Dad posted them and he'd try getting in contact with him. No reply and no delivery for me, it had been 3 days since he posted them. Called him and got another story that his Dad had used a small village post office and they'd made a mistake and my parcel was still sitting in there. He was on holidays at this point and he'd post them as soon as he was home. Fair enough I thought. So a week or so past and he called me saying they were posted that minute and would be with me the next day before 1pm. Asked for a tracking id and he said he'd text it to me. But never did and he's not answered any my calls, texts, emails or voice mails since. Ebay are no use and say I wasn't covered with buyer protection as I never used paypal! This guy's got 500 and odd quid of my hard earned. What do I do know to get it back? Anyone had a similar experience? The guy apartently has a 'Subaru' garage and seems to sell other impreza parts that are from cars that he is stripping. Down south some where, not sure of a name or address. Only got his name and bank account details! Thanks Ryan
  18. I'll try and get a photo taken this evening and post it up for you.
  19. Aye. Looks like they should be alright then. I think I'll order a pair. Worth a bash to try and bring the rear bumper down to a similar level to the front bumper and side skirts. I have fitted some sti8 side skirts, which are not quite as square and chunky looking as the wrx black ones. So hope the rear spats will complament them? Thanks for your input Corrie, great help. Ryan
  20. I'll have a wee look at them. Cheers.
  21. Makig me think now too. I need to invest in a machine polisher- I gave my bonnet scoop a rub down and a few fresh coats of paint and lacquer to mask some major flaking. So today I gave it a good rub with Meguiar's 3 step stuff. Looks good I thought, but then I thought I better do the bonnet to see how it all looks! So by the end of it the bonnet, scoop and front bumper were all done in three sepertae stages BY HAND. Looks alot better, but it was a work out and a half! A machine to do the rest of the wagon will be needed me thinks.
  22. Corrie. Nice one, thats the ones I was thinking about. If you could post or pm me a couple pictures of them fitted, that would be very helpful. I'm going to colour code them anyways, so having to slightly mod them to fit wouldn't be too bad. Thanks for your input man. Ryan
  23. Does anyone know where I could get some rear bumper spats for my wrx bugeye wagon? Plain looking, like the £50, black ht-autos ones. I've called them and they said that the wagon bumper is different from the non-wagon bumpers, so they didn't "think" wouldn't fit! Does anybody know if the bumpers are that different? Corner shape or what? Ta Ryan
  24. No bother. Don't check Dalkeith then! You won't find much. SW's is worth a call to see how you get on 07956119962. 'Edinburger', is pizza shop in the centre of town some where. Remember getting a pizza with mince and tatties on it, just because it was on the menu! Was a bit pushed into that decision by beer.
  25. p.s. S W Motorsport are a Subaru specialists....
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