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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. One word ****, im in work!!!! Hang on need to pull strings!!!
  2. And There Sam was, thinking you was spending quality time with her in front of the TV, lol pmsl
  3. Is it a new series of Topgear? []
  4. Is that your excuse Mr P, I'm surpised that you don't make me and the kids sit on a sheet or something when we get in the car so we don't get it dirty lol lol You can buy SIDC seat covers in the groupbuy section [Y] [] Evening Monki - how are you today???? Very good thank you!, been busy today? Not really weather hasn't been that good so have not been able to do too much, kids are making me go grey as they are bored indoors, please bring some sunshine to us!!!!! Paint a picture of the sun hang it on the washing line and then kick the kids out doors []
  5. no thanks mate lol You really want to see me naked in a car Bailey? Steady on chap lol.
  6. Why thank you []
  7. Ermm if my driving is anything to go buy i think ill be equally as dangeroues on a go-kart lol.
  8. Is that your excuse Mr P, I'm surpised that you don't make me and the kids sit on a sheet or something when we get in the car so we don't get it dirty lol lol You can buy SIDC seat covers in the groupbuy section [Y] [] Evening Monki - how are you today???? Very good thank you!, been busy today?
  9. Is that your excuse Mr P, I'm surpised that you don't make me and the kids sit on a sheet or something when we get in the car so we don't get it dirty lol lol You can buy SIDC seat covers in the groupbuy section [Y] []
  10. that comes with me at all times, you should know that us women cater for all occassions and that we bring the kitchen sink with us as well!!!!!!!!!!! Would it fit in to boot? [:|]
  11. SP why dont you just buy your self a router, and connect the pc/laptop to the router, and use the same broudband connection? Saves forking out that extra dosh for a secondline? I know my virgin media crap has its own line for broudband. Monki.
  12. That pink stuff is quality imho, I used the Pink car shampoo and it cleaned up the oil dipstick and other yellow caps a treat!. Alot of stores are catering for ladies who like a bit of pink with there car, and i think its a brilliant idea. Monki.
  13. oh dear mr P........................................your next car?????????????? lol Nah...... That digger had a turbo, thats why he is getting off. pmsl pmsl []
  14. Sounds liek a good day. Think the 26th Sept is nere the scooby ball?
  15. www.redevolution.info/smf/index.php Is the forum. But the main website is down at the moment and thats www.redevolutionclan.com. Monki.
  16. Can every one please stop gonig on about partners and GF's lol Im trying my best to get a girl friend honest! pmsl Feeling lonley and retarded now! hahaha Yeh hope you can make it Sunday, If not we got local meets ect you could make it to!
  17. No im not getting boring i just run a site with a work friend for gamers who like to meet up on certain games "Perfect dark zero" "Halo2" "Forza2" ect and kill shoot dodge race, smash kill to 1st place [] Been apart of the club "Red Evolutionclan" Since Dec2005 lol. Mainly a good social and laught heheh
  18. Yanno what be a good idea? A possable gallery or thread with a member e.g members name = Monkip1 - And picture or two of the car. So its easy to look at and you dont have to scroll for ever to see someones car?
  19. Sounds like a good and interesting idea having sub forums. []
  20. Oi lol.
  21. Well im 4 months behind you on the forums from joining, But my Xbox360 is going off to repaire soon, so hopefully it will stop me spending money up the pub, and out driving aimlessly in the car!, I was going to ride to work today too but it started raining so then i picked up the car keys [] So i may not be posting on here as much as i used to lol. Did you ever check out mine and my mates website?
  22. Seen that one before, I was going to hot wire te P2 and blatt it out of Prodrive but 1 i think i might damge the car 2 i might end up knocking a few people over and 3 i would get caught and jailed lol. Nice though tho having one!.
  23. £2500 for what? Is the engine ****ed or something?
  24. whore []
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