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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Looks like a fantastic turn out!!! Shame i was not there!.
  2. Awwww i hope its something good like Tickle pink cancer research or something like that. Monki.
  3. Shame i cant time travel lol. Go to the future, find out the pink think come back here and then you would have no reason to shoot me pmsl.
  4. Awww glad you had a good turnout!, Anyone got any pics []. Well while everyones been having fun, and and Parker have had to amuse our selves on the forums!. pmsl
  5. oh er mrs [] Lol. So is this Pink thing a good thing? []
  6. I have made that sort of name for my self allready have i? lol.
  7. Hmmmmmm lol I dont want to get in trouble pmsl.
  8. Ohhh i love suspence pmsl.
  9. Is it a bolt to do with my spoiler hehe, Sorry i was not able to make it Rae, Im stuck in work!. Monki.
  10. My dad txted me a number fo a Security installation firm who are looking for installers, sadly i woke up nere 5pm today so couldent have a chance to ring them, will do monday tho!.
  11. How is Ed today, has he made a very good recovery?
  12. Fed up with carrying the extra weight, lol Cars much better []
  13. But i had to get wet for ayear and a half, and have to sit at a desk with semi wet trousers and hot sweaty shirt. Its just nice just driving in the rain knowing ill be nice in dry. I thnik once it startes to brighten up more ill be taking the bike out more!.
  14. Got a push bike, a Cannondale Prophet [] But with all this rain im not up to riding in the wet like i had done throught out my Ban. Lush bike too []
  15. Im not tall enought to be slapped! pmsl.
  16. 5miles but with my spirited driving, and after getting the exhust and vta d/v fitted i use any excuse to have the exhust blairing lol.
  17. Yeh i have plundered the thought just for work!. Lol.
  18. Long lost Sister? lol. []
  19. pmsl i havent got a hang bag Parker i was messing lol. Do you think Bailey and that teacher looking bloke are twins?
  20. Awww im glad there are careing people enought in the world to help someone in need!. Monki.
  21. Im not that vein lol, And whats wrong with having a hand bag Parker? Daulgi and gabanna do some real nice ones with hefty locks lol, Well the one that came hurtling towards me did, after i accidently said somethin to Alexandra about her hair lol.
  22. I hope it all gets sorted soon, the bugger of a van driver! See you sunday Ken!
  23. I clicked "last>" just now and this post poped up, But Parker thinks iv uncovered something that should be left in the depths of cyber space lol.
  24. pffffhhhhhhHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
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