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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Wouldent you like to know!
  2. wHAT!!!! Thos are dirt cheap. Cheaper than what most people are saying they are buying theres for!
  3. Hi all thought i would share this with you!, Just browsing and found this!!!!!1 Quite interesting! http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=16470 What do you think?
  4. Lol it doesnt bother me much, Its when i get to the show and they say "Show in shine" im like "ahhhh for fu.................." there goes half my day cleaning the car! lol. Enjoying the sun shine? Think it will last till end august? []
  5. Thats just a rumor to make u old folks feal good lol. Afternoon Mrs P
  6. You saying you be nere weston tomorrow ED?
  7. Any news on Tubby vin? Got any contacts anyone?
  8. You refing Ed lol hahaha []
  9. []
  10. []
  11. For styling only i think the V5 and V6 are nice!
  12. Lol be a picture and a half! HAck ill even join in and take the photo []
  13. JD stop teasin Ken, he just admited hes had a bump!
  14. I think ill be buying these! Possable in 40 profile tho!.
  15. Might come along, but im looking at booking of JAE also too!,
  16. WHORE!!!! lol.
  17. Think ill be using the spray a few times today going home!!! lol.
  18. You are a lucky sod! Ill be up Prodrive saterday so i wont see you buddie!. How much is the tire setting yo uback?
  19. Come on spill the beans? You left the handbrake off didnt you!
  20. I want it i want it!
  21. Play against the wall in squash []
  22. Could save the money Jaq?
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