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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Ben - I am shocked lol Milk it ill lend you my currys receipt for my samsung lcd 32" flat screen tv!
  2. Appears so lol.
  3. GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  4. And a word to the land lady!
  5. What speed limit? Isnt it a autobahn [] Not that i agree with speeding mind you! lol.
  6. Wearing the Green licra [Y] ????? []
  7. Welldone Ed!
  8. If you need any help getting the car to the trailer/on it ect im willing to pop down and lend a hand!
  9. Yeh thats how to sound clever just randomly make up long words. Just prey no other munchkin knows that thos words mean lol.
  10. My dad spent bout a grand on a canon D3 or a D5 oh i dont know what number it is all i know is that its a 12Mega pixel canera! []
  11. Give me a rally car and a few days practice i bet i could be very competative!.[Y]
  12. Give me a rally car and a few days practice i bet i could be very competative!.[Y]
  13. Fancy taking a couple of action shots of my car?
  14. I like it alot! Maybe if you were to De-Tango it [] [Y]
  15. Its all tho's years practicing on Gran Turismo and Project gotham racing thats helped me, NO LIE Either, i know people say its "Different" when you are driving, but the same priciple in the game applies to on the road. But mind you it just felt natural []
  16. Well im my opintionm i think you are doing the right thing getting the car back into working order! they are great cars and what is a R/o without a Scooby?
  17. pmsl Pint of what Parker lol.
  18. No its not Parker you are comming!!!! lol. pmsl you pay for my beer all weekend and i'll definatly be there...lol Dont come then lol.
  19. Bump as i think its important to blank out thos plates at car shows!
  20. HAHAHAHA tooo right!
  21. yOU JOKING?
  22. No its not Parker you are comming!!!! lol. pmsl
  23. Might do that - Callum will play with water for hours - anything to stop him saying that he is hungry - honestly he has been eating all day, I don't know where he puts it all!!!!! Worms pmsl []
  24. I got a better idea, Run to the fitting centre lol [] pmsl
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