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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. such a bad bad joke!!
  2. So what you buy lorna for 35pound []
  3. OHhh get you parker!
  4. You that in-experienced lol.
  5. Any more takers on this?
  6. pmsl,
  7. PMSL @Rae lol.
  8. pmsl I can see me entertaining the show on that thing lol.
  9. Awwwwwwwwwwww........................................................................................
  10. Nope just means you got time.,.....alot of time on your hands []
  11. OMFG That would suit me down to the ground! And im not joking! []
  12. AWww Thank you Jaq's, Iv been counting down the hours in work till i could get home to talk to her!!!!!! I dont even think bout the scooby as much as i have done with Joanna! Monki.
  13. Okay so that is you guys sorted, what are us girls supposed to do as you lot are being the next champions of go-karting, stand there shaking our pom poms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look pritty, or cook dinner []
  14. Me Kev Jd, and Ed on the go karts, Thats going to be like our game of Ridge racer yesterday lol.
  15. Phones and petrol stations blowing up is a big FAD imho. Its been proven too that a mobiel phone cannot ignite Petrol or the fumes, and also Mobile phone mast's are not the cause to people haveing "Head aches and nausia" Unless they are subseptable to electro magnetic raditation which ever electronic device emmits. Funny thing is people blame these "BIG ENORMAS MASTS" for radiation and health problems. But what people dont realise is that on moreless every road theres a phone mast with in 100meters! Most look like lamp posts with out the light. Other are disguised as a tree (M4 between Swindon and Reading). Most in Bristol are on top of building out of site!. Monki.
  16. Or Ducks pmsl.
  17. Notice the man looking at my car as i was at the end of the "Drag Strip?" lol Great pics there mate!
  18. JD - " I took over the rolling road at AJ's, I put my foot to the floor, and the bloody thing went bang and jumped on the rollers" Ed - " You been forgetting your medication again?" Ben - " So you made the first production flying car?" Parker - " Vix we need that medication STAT!!!!!"
  19. Her Names Joanna, And we have loads in common! To much to list! So much infact i could write a while paragraph on it [] I can ask her about Dawlish, But because of my shifts and the little distance she lives from me, it be a weekend jobber for me and her [] But im not complaining. Monki.
  20. Welcome to the forum petensue. Sue, Please say thank you to Pete for me for the bolts for my spoiler...........Only problem is is that i havent aquired them yet because someone keeps forgetting to pass them on to me, pmsl. Regards Monki.
  21. " I was driving along, and then suddenly the steering wheel came off like this................."
  22. pmsl. JD - "These new pills i got say's on the lable i have to take one in the morning, and another one round about.....................NOW!
  23. I know i dont want to wish my life away but i wish i was a tad older and then my insurance be alot cheaper!
  24. Well, Im sure if the Gorilla (Probably a relative of mine from somewere doesnt want to come with me to Scooby Ball, I think this very attractive and young ladie will............... Oh this is the new Girl Friend by the way [][][]
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