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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. monki- @work - On his butt - Browsing SIDC []
  2. Lol, im glad through out this thread my height was not mentioned pmsl. Oppsssss iv done it my self [] Welcome to the under 5footers Ed pmsl.
  3. Till tonight pmsl.
  4. Problem is these are will handle at 60 around corners and twisty bends!. []
  5. Lol ill Ditto that one as well. pmsl.
  6. I know the Turbo2000 as a wagon are 240bhp and the Turbo2000 saloon are 250bhp standard. Jap spec engine's are 280bhp Incl Uk P1, 22B 320bhp. Monki.
  7. So that why there is a influx of "Pink stickered up impreza recently" YOU have multipled Craigy pmsl.
  8. Hi Pete. Thank you for the bolts for my spoiler, iv test fitted one and they are the perfect match. Thank you for getting me these as the spoiler now looks complete. Also i would like to thank Scooby Princes for posting me the packet of bolts. Thank you both for kindly doing this. Regards Monki.
  9. well done ED!
  10. LOL i also have proff of this weired ed like behavoir lol.
  11. Well done on your efforts looks stunning results. Good Job.
  12. pic's comming shortly?
  13. HI all. As some of you know i am visiting Joanna till Monday []. I left work at 6:30 and headed straght up to her house. Arrived at 8:40 to which i had a text message from parker saying "Morning shit head".............ERRmmms thanks parker!. She is everything i have expected and more! We get on so well too. And yes Parker and Lorna, regarding our convosation, i am now tired and safe!. Having a good few beers now, playing singstar with Jo and her mate Laura then go out get drunk [], Hope everyone has had a really good day as i have! Kinds regards Monki.
  14. My tomtom doesnt tell you to turn around or "Your ging the wrong way", It just planns a new route!
  15. monkip1


    I have met Chris Atkinson, and David Lapworth []
  16. Dammit, we forgot to drop the garbage off.
  17. Well done ED must feel tought at times!
  18. Tom Tom one xl. Saves me having to keep looking away from the road to read map directions!.
  19. Was going to buy ti but thought i can spend my money else were!
  20. Pmsl.
  21. Well done Lorna.
  22. Im on a magical different stand
  23. You can tell he is thinking about it lol.
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