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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Well done buddy! How does it feel not to have a ciggi?
  2. Im loving the car! Its Amazing how simular our cars are Rand. Mine looks just like that without the front spoiler! I really do like it alot! Yours is light weight too im sure of it as its the "RA". [Y] [] Top job got your self a f-awsome piece of kit! Monki.
  3. Foxtrot this is Unicorn Charly Kilo. Come in we have a problem. []
  4. Cheers Parker!
  5. Love to cruse along the front in Weymouth! and all around the back streets where the shoppers are []
  6. Sorry to hear this chap! And my Dad wants me to join the RAF or Regulars? Hope the next couple are not to much of a heart ache for you and the rest of the company. [] Hopefully catch up soon!.
  7. Looking forward to it! []
  8. Certainly makes a differance going from a 240bhp Turbo 2000 to a jap spec 280 [] If its standerd spec of course. Welcome to the Under 5sec club![y] Monki.
  9. Most people opt only for grooved disk's, as drilled and grooved disks are weaker than a solid disk as cracks can develope from the drilling process. I havent experieced break judder "Yet". So i cant really give an opinion on a remidy [] Sorry Rand!
  10. repeated on sunday mate [] Do you know what time Rae? As im out and about with SWscoobies on Weston []
  11. monkip1


    Hmmm tasty figured's [] Think i might uprate my clutch to a exeddy or AP double plate in prep for a bit more power!
  12. Then do it Bailey!!!! The benefits are astroniminal to say the least! Better health, Better bank account, Most places are smoke ree now so you wont be one of the poor lads standing outside in the rain smoking ect. Car will be aot cleaner and have a better resale value too! Monki.
  13. Looks like i have missed a good episode, oh well the joys of catch up TV!
  14. I walked straight into that one didnt I. pmsl you certainly did, dainty go lightly.....pmsl and callum was in front of me,thats why he's not in the pic.......well thats my excuse pmsl Dont be shamed of playing on the diggers!!! If i had half the chance ill be right in there tooo!
  15. Im still around..........................Just lol, Just with 8 or so people posting on the same thread by the time iv posted a reply, its 3pages old lol. So i rather post during the quiet periods lol. Found a suitable GYOB on me yet? []
  16. No the "Me" was ment to be a "He". Sorry thats my double moduler C in English down the drain lol.
  17. Sure looks like it [] Hows the new car Rand?
  18. Good luck with tomorrow Ed!, Almost there mucker!! [Y]
  19. I wouldent be happy till i get new door cards lol.
  20. Will do!!!!! Go no you know you want to take the pic []
  21. CB Radio [] Can we borrow that for our convoys pmsl
  22. I like the intro of the P1 speeding off []
  23. Yeh I am not going to get in to trouble with Mr P as I have remembered to recorde it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pmsl.
  24. PHHHeweww dad reminded me we got catch up Tv, ill watch it tomorrow []
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