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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Never likes autoglm since turning to meg's and Zymole, the polimers in autoglyms resin polish does more harm than good
  2. Well done SP, sound liek you got a good grip on Driving, wont be long bfore you be driving to meets and letting Ed drink the bar dry
  3. My caliper paint hasnt peeld of flacked yat and it was done last September, 4 months later its still looks new!
  4. Do it yer self, give yer self a few good hours and jobs a good one, SOD paying some grease monkiy to do a easy job as paint the calipeirs lol
  5. Expect a dent or scratch pmsl curbed wheels maybe lol
  6. Iv been 130mph in my P1 but bottled it as other cars seemed to be stationairy on the motor way lol.
  7. Ill book it off and come along, Ill have had a full service by then as well i hope pmsl.! Lol
  8. Yeh some deffo really sexy scoobies and a white fiesta *Cough* lol
  9. Involved in doing Dohnuts Tazman, Not healthy for the tires pmsl.
  10. I think i :D :hl:cnt even get to the m eet as i think my boss will wonder why i have stopped in a pub for a hour
  11. Ohhh you have so been browsing another forum :D
  12. Because you like dohnuts! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jfLGlFPWTJM&NR=1
  13. What are the times for the meet, as it may be nere 9:30 - 10pm before im in swindon? As i got a few sites to lock up in bristol and patrol before heading off to Swindon?
  14. Either the end of the first week or mid week, or half way through the month depending on booking it and time off work ect! But that have new everything and cambelt and tensioner
  15. Iv heard of TATSU, my friend Amy, her dad used to own a SKyline r£$ then went on the a silver subaru estate,
  16. WESTON not Western lol.
  17. Ill be down Exeter this month! Getting a full service
  18. Ill be down Exeter this month! Getting a full service
  19. Good vid Rand, was a brilliant day iirc
  20. But im sure runnign 400bhp your running a racing clutch or sorts lol
  21. Possability but dont want to kill ym clutch with 4k clutch dumping lol.
  22. You want it Parker as a family car
  23. Where did you go to get the MOT done Rae?
  24. Yes i do have the British military on there way to destroy each and every one lol.
  25. Yeh i will go for a few awards if im not graced with the company of fatmanscooby or Type-R pete as my car isnt a match for them. But ill do my best as allways
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