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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Getting old again mate, have you had your afternoon nap lol
  2. Well iv bene on perminent nights for last 3 months, its effecting my sleep, and my attutude as some members on here ave noticed by it too. I work consatant 12 hour nights and i find it hard to sleep at daytime.
  3. So there are benefits to being old
  4. Dont need a referance tbh as im going bk to my old security firm as part time, but got a new job as a fabricator on DAYS WHOpppp Whoppppp brap brap flash flash what what...............................
  5. Hi all, Im resigning from my job and just fancied a bit of advice. Should I resign over FACEBOOK. Go in tomorrow and had in my noticed and finished there and then as iv just been paid and I can start my new job Tuesday Go in resign and work a 2week notice. Or do a SIDC, get drunk out my face, go in resigning and shout my mouth off. Kind regards Monki.
  6. MY alter ego, is a Subaru Impreza
  7. Reading this artical at this very monet at P1woc, Cant beleve they have tested over 10 EcuTek MAPs, and have finely tuned the SI-Drive for 10% better economy while driving in eco mode and have made the trottle response alot more chrisper in S# mode I liek this car alot!
  8. Well it was a expensive item last year as a daily driver, and racked up around 7k or so(ish) Nothing wrong with a high milage scooby(If thats what you was implying) as i know alot of scooby are reliable past 100k provided they are used and treated well
  9. Top stuff mate Thats exsactly how i was thinking with buying Tax, And as you are right if im found to be driving it when the day tax has expired then its my doggie doo doo im in But im not that stupid any way. Yeh £2300 is alot thats why i opted for £25 a day, day insurance, with the shows i go it it work aout alot lot lot less See this monki does have "Some" brains lol.
  10. Hi all, My scooby is going in for its yearly MOT check, iv checked most things over today and took it for a little ride, Im cutting it close on the MOT and TAX side of thngs as they both run out today DOH! Just another note as im driving on Day insurance today to get the car to the MOT centre and back, this day certificat i have printed off wouldent legally allow me to buy new tax would it? As hell am i spending £2300 on insurance just to tax the car for £180 (12months) when i know it will only be drivie to shows and back this year (At the most) Any info would be grand If i cant retax it then from tomorrow onards its going in the granparents garage for the rest of the year lol. Cheers Monki nuts.
  11. I dont think they are blue LED's bud, i have a set of LED bright white side lights which make a good difference over the dingy ones, only a few quid too . But being honest its hard to tell from the pic
  12. Looks fantasitc SP, Im glad im in both pics "Spot the Monki" lol.
  13. Bailey " Want to join me Dave in playing toy soldiers? "
  14. "Jaq this Mayo doesnt taste like the normal stuff you buy" :S
  15. Driving with fogs on, when its infact not foggy is as un-cool and un-classy as wearing a bassball cap or sunglasses in the dark Hehe Glad my spot lamps are driving lamps so i can LEGALLY drive with them on I know iv been flashed for serving due to tiredness, been flashed for speeding through a camera dead handy that one ermmm im sure i got a few more things to think bout
  16. That looks amazing! Looks liek a wicked day well worth the dosh! Looks like everyone who attended really had a good time also! Makes me want to be adventurous and find my self a lady, get married underwater . . . . . naked hahah Top pics! Monki.
  17. Very good find glam Wish my car was there now!!!!!!
  18. Can put that money towards making Ed's car alot quieter lol
  19. They dont need the chat thread Sam, they use telekenesis.
  20. I think hes trying to trick you into buying the car, buy the car you get the women
  21. And image limit too, whi is fair enought but all my images i jut tryed to post are external and doesnt take much to show apart from the link to photobucket lol.
  22. And more.
  23. HOpe you all like
  24. **** just read this post, So sorry to hear about your job SP, stupid Bar-stewards. Soart looking for a new job now, with your experience you have gain and the hard work you have worked i doubt it will take long before you find a new job. By the way was the four men in black suits the men in black
  25. Knew you were getting old
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