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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Drive around Bristol for a week and you wont be saying white easy to clean then pmsl, Looking good there Tiny, but iv never been a fan of roof scoops. Deffo a good job there!
  2. Just wondering shouldent monies come from the money pot as its stuff thats required for club stands attended by sidc? Meaning why should funds needed to be raised as i thought my membership costs would have gone towards replacement club stand items, as and when needed? Monki.
  3. Cant make it as no other office is willing to cover for me the a-hole's, even after i covered them a few times. But ill still take my dinner break at the pub thought ot see everyone!
  4. TOp dogs there Pete, must have cost a small fortune but looks well worth it buddy! Look forward to seeing it!
  5. No to me comming pmsl.
  6. No
  7. Free bump How is the sale comming along Matt?
  8. Are you comming to the meet Jasp? Be good to meet u dude.
  9. Piss off, whats the likely hood of it happening he be stupid to try and stop over 15 imprezas, the nawwws. Expeshally if all of us are there to challenge him. Either way Bristol is pritty big, and the likly hood of it happening is probably the same as having your car stolen at night!. MOnki
  10. Morning all. Just found at Scoobynet! This is especially for the women Subaru owners. My woman was nearly a victim of a car jack if it wasnt for the fact that she locks the doors when she gets in the car. There is someone pretending to be a police officer pulling Subarus over. The police have taken it seriously! We been told if an 'unmarked' car pulls you over ask for ID and if that fails you have every right to ring 999 so they can verify it. The guy must have been watching her as he told her about a flickering side light which I fixed about a week ago. So if you see a black people carrier with blue lights on the bonnet pulling anyone over then be suspicious as the guy is more than likely NOT a police officer. I know a women who got car jacked a few weeks ago for her Subaru. I will now always LOCK MY DOORS. This happened by Feeder Road so lets all keep an eye out and be careful. Kind Regards Monki.
  11. Wales:- 1. Julian 2. Merv 3. Yan (r.t.t) 4. ozz crew 5. bossurk 6. Bonzee 7. Evil.soup 9. red Somerset and Wiltshire:- 1. S.P AND Edmondo with SIDC Mum 2. Sti Ken and Frosty Filly 3. Sue & Pete and Rabble 4. Rae sti (cause your ex wife says so!) 5. Monki P1 6. Compo71 aka Markc (should be there, work & kids permit) 7. x sammie x Devon:- 1. JD and vix 2. Parker and family (poss)
  12. Ill be comming to this as its payday and im off
  13. Yes very good coverage, Atkinson is 3rd after monte carlo, seems to be going really well atm!
  14. Might buy some after i give my seats a good clean, as i want to bring the colour back out in them! and stop them getting dirty again! Monk's
  15. Have my Prodrive front seats if you want, *Cough* but only when i find my self the Elec prodrive recaros first haha, I heard you got yer splitter fitted last night when Darren and Sam was kind enought to offer me a cuppa as i was around there way. Cant wait to see it in the flesh on the 6th as your cars starting to look the f**kin NUTS mate! I like the subtle sidc sticker too on the bumper too! Monki
  16. Are any of the indicators smashed as i got MY00 standard indicators to shift lol.
  17. Ohhhhh sucks to be you, only joking, thats crap what idiots leave wreckage on motor ways is beyond me, glad that swas the only damage as it could have ben alot worse!
  18. Comment if you want all everyone think bout my car is the engine show have blown up buy now as its a "P1" :S
  19. Dont think i can go its to nere the end of the month and i wont have spare cash pmsl.
  20. Not doing it in the dark sorry ill end up accidently undoing the subframe or something knowing me lol
  21. Cant be bothered to get the jack and axel stands out the shed in the dark! Ill just undoo the batt and take out tomorrow while its light and get the first allen key i droped down the batt trey lol.
  22. Right on my HKS SSQV i have a re-circ insert. I started to undo the 4 2mm allen key bolts that hold the front case of the DV together. I Dropped the first allen key into the batterie case, Because its a pain trying to re-clamp down the battiere stay using the standerd tray ect i thought **** it ill take it all out tomorrow and re fit it in the morning. So i got my second 2mm allen key, I got 3 bolts out of the SSQV and proceded to take the 4th off and then dropped the stupid 2nd allen key down the engine bay and on to the the crap guard thats under the car so now im left with a stupid car i cant drive just in case the bolts have loosened the DV casing and vent too much boost pressure. And i have ended up with not getting the job done that i sent out to start with. Monki.
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