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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Good call. lol.
  2. Looking forward to this too apprently there topless ladys in all there glory washing cars for £20 or so Love it.
  3. Well done SP, thats great news, it won be long now before you be out on your own
  4. Look of consentration on Lornas face pmsl.
  5. Happy birthday for yesterday Rae
  6. IF you pay the child support as Beer im sure he be more than happy
  7. Quality pics there Rae, Devild Delights Daughters Scooby is welll lush, for a sport it gives Parkers a run for his money
  8. Dame you SP, i didnt realise there was a pic of me with the lads on the games too! Pmsl.
  9. Your not testing that pics intentonal
  10. Yeh deffo SP, I got the 29th off and im going ot be there early to make up for lack of me being at the birthday bash today.
  11. Well im glad i got my year of stck ups and what not out the way pmsl.
  12. Now theres the pic of you and Jd in the arcades HAHAH
  13. Cracking pics there!!!!!! Shame the P1 wasnt there but then there was alot of very limited and very nice custom inprezas there
  14. Im sad i missed a cracking day! But the short time i was there i liked seeing so many familure faces! Well done Rae well deserved! Monki.
  15. Whos Splitter mine or Parkers Still cant beleve you didnt here me beep franticly today when i drive past in the work car ................
  16. Dame right i love the Chilli SP! Whens the next england match Also a photoshoot too
  17. Apprently i have used up all the attacment size for this thread for uploading direct to sidc ANd photobucket takes a age to upload to
  18. HI all, As im jealoues botu missing the Fantastic meet! I though ti would combat that thread with my own thread SO here goes.....
  19. Quality pics
  20. Im throughly jealoues i wasnt there for most of the day, tryed my best to get the day off, but i couldent, but it was nice to quickly catch up with the usual lot. Loved to have spoken to more of you!!! Regard Monki p.s Parker what sort of face was that in the group shot PMSL
  21. HI all., sorry i could just get there for the last 5 mins before everyone had to shoot off to Chew valley for the photoshoot, I was in the convoy till Hicksgate then i had to turn bk around due to work grrrr. Also I really wanted to have the day off work so i could have had a good natter with all of you new and old faces. One of the best turn outs iv seen in ages and i bloody missed most of it, but thank you all for the warm welcome as i pulled into the car park and when i came to the beer garden Cum on get them pics up
  22. You want a photoshoot in front of the mansion and have to pay thats bull lol.
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