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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Ill think about it dude tbh, as Actionday is close to and also i have to plan around my shifts But bee good to catch up with you all again!
  2. Bout time after the buse I got last year pmsl,
  3. Im working on this day sadly grrrr, but as i work in and around swindon i might pop in with the work van pmsl!
  4. SP ill try and get u the forms and payment at the swindon meet, i look forward to this
  5. Ed im sure SP has my mobile number somewear lol
  6. Try a scooby breakers as it be alot cheaper then a brand new one and will come up clean as new once cleaned lol.
  8. And wasnt i am legande a dissapoint ment
  9. 1)Edmondo 2)s.p 3) JD 4) Trix 5) Monki
  10. Put me down for this please Edmondo/s.p Stewart Layzell MonkiP1
  11. Ill keep my eyes peeled down hee also!
  12. ;) ;) :D
  13. Well the M4/M5 interchange can be confuseing but if i go down the wrong road i just turn round at next junction i got panic pmsl, and the magin round bout in Swindon? :S thats a laugh just drive over it all in a 4x4
  14. Forgot them glasses again parker lol, Cracking car mate a chap on P1woc has just bought on too! Lovely piece of kit!
  15. Wouldent let sam see that comment pmsl, im sure someone be along soon to drop you in it lol.
  16. Its all fooking bollacks, i had to fill up on Sainsburys 95 ad there super was all out and the petrol light was on, thankfully the £5 got me to Shell on hartcliffe way to fill up. But i noticed my local tesco metro has stoped using there own fuel in favoure for Esso Grrr
  17. Cheers RAE but your a week to early 27th Is the big "22" lol. Hows your week been?
  18. Ermmm my needle points to the left but my caps on the right? Work that out hehe
  19. Thats looking well hot mate, i lookforard to seeing you again at local meets or club stands! Monki.
  20. Merry xmas all, hope you all have a good xmas holidays and good time over the christmas period!
  21. Dont watch it hate the shows lol.
  22. Thanks for the xmas card SP, i wrote one back but due to wrk it hasnt gone in the post yet
  23. Pmsl,
  24. I am tempted but full comp insurance dont usally cover Track days iirc :kerstsmiley: Ill probably write off the impreza on the track anyway lol.
  25. On your wage steve you dont need to dream
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