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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Any update on these tops?
  2. Shame i didnt come to this meet, Would have said Hi to you Stacie, havent seen you since the Taunton show i think, or was it Newton abbot lol. Cant remember now lol.
  3. Very good condition tbh, and veyr good power
  4. 25k? Quite possable!
  5. EDDDDDDDD WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU???????????????????/ Look forward to seeing you at Street wars mate!
  6. Is the November meet going to be located at the same place as Octobers meet?
  7. Looks liek it too, Are the lovly ladies going to be at street wars
  8. 20mpg Pmsl thats **** lol. Mini here i come!
  9. Got glasses though? Looking forward to street wars
  10. When i get my clutch done, can i crash at your Parker pmsl.
  11. Std offical figures are 279bhp but provided my cars had regular service and cared for, then hopefully it still make the grade, if not oh well lol.
  12. Didnt know you was in Bristol mate, You got my number could have given me a buss pmsl,
  13. Oh on topic also, im interested to see what my car makes standard as i have a few big plans for the P1 while ill be saving the cash and its in storage
  14. Rand you around Bristol Got my number pop by for a cuppa if you want? Monki.
  15. Awww man your selling up cant you work around it in try in keep it? Good luck in the sale Rand. Cheers Monki.
  16. Hey Ken, Been a while ey? Have you looked at scoobyworld/ scoobyparts for aftermarkit skerts? I know ill get slated for suggesting this, but have you tryed Fea-bay? Hope you find what you are looking for soon!
  17. were you find my gf too lol pmsl
  18. Probably doesnt realise what a emissions test is pmsl. Cracking video tho!.
  19. Looks good if other clubs want to follow in the foot steps of the hard work our R/o's put in to each club stand at shows. Also shows how good the rep for SIDC has in Sw if they are pushing to try and push the boundries for making the club stand look top!. Monki.
  20. Not bad turn out then, Parker convinced me to come pmsl, So have we got any convoy times as i havent a clue where im going pmsl.
  21. Does he know how to use a forklift truck pmsl.
  22. If you do organise any other meets bud, let us know more the merryer
  23. Hope everything is allright with your car today Rand, Found any leaks, anti-freeze marks, or wet patches? Monki.
  24. No missing the Monki then Parker pmsl.
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